Mabel AKA Viscera AKA Big Daddy V Shoot Interview DVD The World's Largest Love Machine was on a mission to deliver the best shoot interview he...
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A sit down interview with the Mad Dog! Vachon discusses all things in sports including injuries and if it is different if they get injured with...
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"Wildman" Marc Mero could be more famous for his wife than his own accomplishments. Now, for the first time ever, the "BADD MAN" lets loose! This DVD...
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Doink the Clown, Maniac, Big Josh. It is all Maniac Matt Bourne in a rare interview!
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Mean Gene Okerlund shoots about his entire career including AWA, WWF, WCW, and beyond.
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His book has been compared to the Catcher in the Rye for its literary greatness. So, imagine if he did a shoot interview! He has! And, it is a very...
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Two of the best tag teams of the 1980's and early 1990's team up for one big, fun, and stitch bustingly humorous Q&A session that lasts over 2...
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Mikey Sheepdip.... I mean Whipwreck, shoot interview. Contains a ton of great stories. Must watch.
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In the early 2000's, Missy did a pretty cool studio interview with her shorter brown red hair running down everyone in wrestling and her views on...
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This shoot contains even more insider info including a game where Missy plays with action figures and shares insider stories about them all. Plus, a...
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No matter what you think of this legendary vixen, Missy Hyatt is unquestionably the "First Lady of Wrestling". But, people such as myself believe the...
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He was in the WWE for nearly 30 years. And, he now is free to share! This WWE Hall of Famer shares all his infamous ribs including feeding a wrestler...
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New Jack's No Holds Barred shoot interview is off the chain. If you like what the now late hardcore legend had to say, you'll love this interview...
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She's one tough chick! The towering famed model-athlete Nicole Bass is a favorite punching bag of the Howard Stern show. But, she also is a former...
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Nikita Koloff 2018 Shoot Legendary WCW/NWA/AWA competitor "The Russian Nightmare" Nikita Koloff does a full career shoot interview about going to...
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Art of Managing with Sir Oliver Humperdink & Gary Hart
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Enjoy 3 hours of the WWE superstars on the hot seat as they discuss everything throughout their careers. This includes such big names as... Chris...
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A man who has been a borderline skin head AND an African Dream... Go figure! He's the One Man Gang and he's got a hell of a story to tell! Everything...
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Orlando Jordan emerged on the scene and took on a life of his own. His in ring abilities carried him to the United States championship. And then, it...
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Ahoy, maties! All aboard the pirate ship as we take a look at the life and times of one of wrestling's most beloved young wrestlers, Paul Burchill....
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