Giles Poisson vs Dino Bravo Don Leo Jonathan interview Tarzan Tyler & The UFO (Bob Della Serra) vs Emile Dupree & Andre Pelletier Eddie Creachman...
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1974.05 André Proulx vs Tommy Seigler Tarzan Tyler with The Cuban Assassins interview Leronix LeGaulois vs Serge Dumont Tarzan Tyler & Eddie...
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AGPW Atlantic Gran Prix - 1999 - 07/23 Fancam DVD - Butcher Vachon versus Legendary Beast - Raymond Rougeau versus Cuban Assassin - Wild Man Austin...
Sale: $4.79
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- Wildman William versus Duke - Cuban Assassin versus Ryan Storm - Marko Estrada versus Dupree - Evil Eddie Watts versus Scott Savage -
Sale: $4.79
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- Wild Man William in action - Cuban Assassin versus Brian Storm And all the action from AGPW Canada!
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- Dynamite Kid versus Bulldog Bob Brown -- Wayne Gillis and Buddy Lane versus the Cuban Commandos Jerry Mauro and the Cuban Assassin -- Phil Laflur...
Sale: $4.79
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Best of Atlantic Grand Prix - Volume 2 DVD Killer Karl Krupp versus TG Stone Sweet Daddy Sikki versus Ronnie Rich Cousin Mike versus Rex Patterson...
Sale: $4.79
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Volume 3: - Mike Lizinski versus Tim Flowers - Butcher Vachon versus Robert Manzarell - Rip Rogers versus Rick Baker - Rip Rogers promo - Kane and...
Sale: $4.79
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- Ron Starr and Pat Brady versus Lio Burke and Big Steven - The Spoiler w/ Frenchy Martin versus Buddy Lane - Jerry Morrow versus Phil LeFlur - Wayne...
Sale: $4.79
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- Cousin Mike (Mike Shaw, Norman the Lunatic, Bastion Booger) versus Rick Patterson - Killer Karl Kroop versus Ronnie Hutchinson - Hercules, Cuban...
Sale: $4.79
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- Bulldog Bog Brown versus Steve Casey - Buddy Lane versus Tokyo Chono - Leo Burke versus Ron Starr - Cuban Assassin and Jerry Morals versus Leo...
Sale: $4.79
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Grand Prix - AGPW TV – 5/85 - ATV Studios – Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 5/85 - ATV Studios – Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada Man Mountain...
Sale: $4.79
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Grand Prix - AGPW TV – 6/85 & 8/85 - ATV Studios – Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada 6/85? - ATV Studios – Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada The...
Sale: $4.79
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Cuban Assassin & Sweet Daddy Siki vs Ron Richie & Steve Casey Cuban Assassin vs Cris Pepper Cuban Assassin vs Sgt O'Connor Killer Karl Krup...
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AGPW TV - June? 1986 The Cuban Assassin vs Bobby Crawford Gerry Etifier & The Great Malumba vs Paul Peller & Rocky Delesara Leo Burke vs The...
Sale: $6.39
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Cuban Assassin & Leo Burke vs Butcher Vachon & Nature Boy Sweeton Hercules & Sunny War Cloud vs Bob Brown & Rick Valentine Leo Burke...
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Montreal Grand Prix 1973 Video quality is not the greatest and there is no sound on anything except the very last match. Grand Prix is Montreal, so...
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Grand Prix - WGPW TV - 6/89 - Arena - Cocagne, New Brunswick, Canada WGPW North American Tag Team Champions The Cuban Commando vs. Buddy Lane &...
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Grand Prix - World Grand Prix Wrestling TV - 1987 Buddy Lane & Sunny War Cloud vs. Paul Peller & Gordie Mills Bob Brown vs. Bobby Crawford...
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World Grand Prix Wrestling TV - 1987 Buddy Lane & Sunny War Cloud vs. Paul Peller & Gordie Mills Bob Brown vs. Bobby Crawford WGPW North...
Sale: $4.79
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