Montreal Wrestling

In this section, you will find content from the Montreal territory.
International Wrestling from Montreal - 10/3 - 10/17 1986 DVD

International Wrestling from Montreal - 10/3 - 10/17 1986 DVD

Interational Wrestling from Montreal 10/03/1986: 1) Tom Zenk/Armand Rougeau/Dan Kroffat vs Richard Charland/Shiek Ali/Gilles Poisson (9/28/86...
Montreal International Wrestling Gladiators Of The Ring DVD

Montreal International Wrestling Gladiators Of The Ring DVD

Montreal International Wrestling Gladiators Of The Ring International Wrestling was a Montreal-based promotion that was popular through the 70s,...
Montreal Lutte Internationale 24 1985 DVD

Montreal Lutte Internationale 24 1985 DVD

Montreal Wrestling 1985 - Lutte Int 24 Commentary and interviews are in French The Road Warriors (AWA Tag Champs) vs. Dino Bravo & Jos Leduc...
Montreal Lutte Internationale Volume 1 DVD

Montreal Lutte Internationale Volume 1 DVD

Nearly 3 hours of rare Montreal matches. Enjoy. King Tonga & Dino Bravo vs. Road Warriors, Tonga & Gino Brito Jr. vs. Pierre Lefebvre/White...
Montreal Lutte Internationale Volume 2 DVD

Montreal Lutte Internationale Volume 2 DVD

Montreal Lutte Vol 2 The Rougeaus vs. Garvins Rougeaus vs. Garvins (2 matches) Road Warriors interview Rick Martel & Dino Bravo vs. Road Warriors...
Montreal Wrestling 1984-1985 Mix Disc 1 DVD

Montreal Wrestling 1984-1985 Mix Disc 1 DVD

Joe Leduc vs King Tonga Int Tyler & Superstar 12/11/1984 Int Joe Leduc 12/11/1984 Int Tyler & White & Tonga 12/11/1984 Int Joe...
Montreal Wrestling 1984-1985 Mix Disc 2 DVD

Montreal Wrestling 1984-1985 Mix Disc 2 DVD

Montreal 84-85 Disc 2 Jacques & Raymond & Jacques Rougeau Sr vs Sailor White, Tarzan Tyler & Richard Charland Dino Bravo vs King...
Wrestling Massacres Montreal Commercial Tape DVD

Wrestling Massacres Montreal Commercial Tape DVD

This was released as commercial tape in the early 90's. All the matches are from the Montreal area. 01. Abdullah The Butcher vs. Dino Bravo 02. The...
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