
CLassic Mountain Wrestling TV - 1995 - 11 Disc DVD


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1/7 – This was largely a re-cap episode covering the matches from Christmas Chaos.
1. BUDDY LANDELL vs DIRTY WHITE BOY (jip from Knoxville)- DWB steals Landell’s chain, but gets
DQed for it.
2. Cactus Jack v. Bruiser Bedlam . CHRIS CANDIDO “KILLS” THE CAT- Cactus Jack & Tracy Smothers vs Candido &
Boo Bradley is the backdrop for this controversial angle. Chris & Boo lose the match, and start pointing fingers at one
another. They start brawling, but Tammy Fytch blinds Boo with hairspray, and Candido jumps off the top rope onto the
bag that’s supposed to have Boo’s pet cat “Boots” in it.
3. Cactus Jack talks with Boo Bradley at Boots the cat’s gravesite.
4. ROCK & ROLL EXPRESS (w/Corney) vs THE GANGSTAS, jip from Knoxville- Cornette’s racquet comes into play,
and the R&R’s win the tag titles. During the post-match brawl, Cornette asks Gangstas to hold Morton, and loads up the
racquet- but instead of turning on Morton, he double-crosses the Gangstas, nailing them with the racquet. The Gangstas
recover, and beat Corny to a bloody pulp, then mangle his knee with the nightstick- some fans are actually cheering
the Gangstas here!
5. Promo – Jim Cornette vows vengeance on the Gangstas.

6. Boo Bradley v. Scott McKeever.
7. INTERVIEW WITH JIM CORNETTE- Corney is on crutches, and his face is bandaged up. He wants to bring the
Heavenly Bodies back to SMW to get revenge against the Gangstas, and will petition commish Bob Armstrong for their
reinstatement. Armstrong grants his request and a match is signed between the Gangstas and the Heavenly Bodies at the
upcoming Super Saturday Night Fever)
8. SMW TV Champ Buddy Landel v. George South.
9. EDDIE GILBERT “shows up” on SMW TV, delivering a BIZARRE interview- he’s upset that Ricky Morton’s Dad was honored
at the Night of Legends show, [actually, Morton’s Dad wasn’t honored]. This leads to…
10. Eddie Gilbert v. Ricky Morton. (Eddie gets the pin, using the ropes. The R&R’s then challenge Gilbert to find a tag
partner. )
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 1/21 – 1/28/95

1. SMW TV Champ Buddy Landel v. Tommy Pittner.
2. Boo Bradley v. Chris Candido (Tammy Fytch is barred from ringside- she shows up anyway,
disguised as a bag lady, to- you guessed it- spray Boo’s eyes with hairspray. Candido then pours a can
of dog food down Boo’s throat! (Censored from TV).
3. INTERVIEW WITH CORNETTE & HEAVENLY BODIES- Jim Ross runs a disclaimer before and after this interview,
but I’m not sure why- nothing offensive, he accuses The Gangstas of profiting on the black vs white issue (Ironic, but not
4. THE GANGSTAS accuse commish Bob Armstrong of being a racist, and Bob responds by calling Newjack an asshole!
5. New Jack v. Steve Armstrong. ( the match never starts, as Cornette comes out with an injunction, barring the other
Gangstas from ringside in this singles match. The Gangstas flip, and the three gang up on Steve, injuring his knee with
the nightstick until Bob Armstrong makes the save. “How’s the family?” is Nu-Jack’s parting shot to Bob Armstrong. )
6. The Rock-n-Roll Express v. Unabom & Eddie Gilbert (Unabomb is dressed like Humongous, which was Sid Vicious’ old
gimmick. When the mask comes off he looks like- you guessed it, good ol’ Sidney Eudy. However, Unabomb was Glen
Jacobs who you’d probably recognize now as KANE! )

7. The Gangstas v. The Wolfman & Tommy Pitner.
8. SMW TV Champ Buddy Landel v. The Dirty White Boy. (Landell can still sell a punch like no one else. DWB uses
Buddy’s own moves against him (figure-four, corkscrew elbow), but Buddy wins after KOing DWB with a chain. )
9. Eddie Gilbert & Unabom won a “royal rumble.” Also in the match were: D-Lo Brown, Bryant Anderson, Boo Bradley, Chris Candido,
The Dirty White Boy, Robert Gibson, Buddy Landel, Scotty McKeever, Ricky Morton, New Jack, Tommy Pitner, Mustafa Saed, George
South, and The Wolfman.
10. TRACY SMOTHERS & SCOTT AMSTRONG reform the “Southern Boys” tag team, and are going after the Gangstas. Great series
of 70’s style interviews. As the Wild Eyed Southernboys are reformed with Scott Armstrong replacing the injured Steve.

SMW – 1995/01/28 – Knoxville, TN – “Super Saturday Night Fever” (Fan Cam)
01. D-Lo Brown v Brian Logan
02. Chris Candido v Boo Bradley
03. Ricky Morton v Unabom
04. Tracy Smothers v Buddy Landell
05. SMW Title: Dirty White Boy v Jerry Lawler
06. Lights Out Match: Dirty White Boy v Buddy Landell
07. Heavenly Bodies v Da Gangstas
08. Battle Royal
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS

SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 2/4 -2/11/95

1. BUDDY LANDELL v TRACY SMOTHERS- Budro Ko’s Tracy with a chain.
2. SMOKY MOUNTAIN RUMBLE, jip from Morristown, TN. Tracy Smothers eliminates the Gangstas to win, but they
jump him after the match. D-Lo Brown and Scott Armstrong run in to help their respective partners.
3. HEAVENLY BODIES v THE GANGSTAS- Cornette and the HB’s get revenge on the Gangstas, giving them a bloody
beating. The teams fight in the ring, all over the arena, into the dressing room, and out into the street! 4 1/2 ***
4. UNABOM injures Ricky Morton during a SMOKY Mountain Rumble.
5. DIRTY WHITE BOY v JERRY LAWLER, jip. DWB has Lawler pinned, but “timekeeper” Landell rings the bell, and says the
mtch is over. Budro then interferes, and costs DWB the match- Lawler’s the new SMW champ!
6. DIRTY WHITE BOY v BUDDY LANDELL, which takes place right after the Lawler match. The exhausted DWB gets
pounded on, but sneaks in the pin.

7. Bryant Anderson v. Tommy Pitner via submission.
8. Int – Jerry Lawler
9. SMW COMISSIONER BOB ARMSTRONG starts levying fines on the heels for just about every angle that’s taken place
in the past two months. The Gangstas come out to complain about being discriminated against, and levy their own 3-on-1
attack on Armstong. BA then okays a special referee for the upcoming Bods v Gangstas bouts- himself!.
10. SMW TV Champ Buddy Landel v. Scotty McKeever.
11. Boo Bradley v. The Wolfman.
12. Unabom v. Robert Gibson (Morton runs in and wallops Unabomb with a chair. Unabomb is ready to fight back, but Eddie
Gilbert holds him back. )
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 2/8 -2/25/95

1. Boo Bradley v. The Wolfman (Bradley wins the vacant SMW TV Title.
2. Int – Chris Candido agrees to a loser leave town match with Boo Bradley at Sunday Bloody Sunday
3. Video – Jerry Lawler
4. Int – DWB
5. BUDDY LANDELL does an interview, and calls Dirty White Girl a horse! DWB runs in and tears Landell’s suit off, leaving
him in his underwear and a pink tie
6. D-Lo Brown v. The Wolfman.
7. Al Snow v. George South. (Snow debuts as Unabom’s new partner.)
8. THE GANGSTAS attack Bob Armstrong and Jim Cornette- weird seeing Armstrong and Cornette fighting side by side.
9. Southern Boysv. The Masked Infernos. (The Gangstas run to batter Tracy & Scott with nightsticks, but Bob Armstrong & Jim
Cornette make the save AND THEN SHAKE HANDS WITH EACH OTHER!- Cornette makes saves now? )

10. SMW TV Champ Boo Bradley v. Inferno Brimstone.
11. Int- Buddy Landell
12. Int – Jerry Lawler
13. Int – DWB
14. Billy Black v. George South.
15. Int – The Gangstas
16. Int – Jim Cornette
17. Clips of the Heavenly Bodies from their match against the Steiners at the WWF’s Summerslam PPV.
18. Al Snow & Unabom v. The Wolfman & Anthony Michaels. (pound their foes after the match, Rock & Roll Express break it
19. Al Snow & Unabom v. SMW Tag Champs The Rock-n-Roll Express (Morton gets posted, and stumbles to the dressing
room. He comes back swinging a chair, and is DQed. )

SMW – 1995/02/26 – Knoxville, TN – “Sunday Bloody Sunday II” (Fan Cam)
01. Bobby Blaze v Brian Logan
02. Gangstas v Tracy Smothers & Scott Armstrong
03. SMW Tag Titles: Rock’n Roll Express v Al Snow & Unabom
04. Dog Collar Match – Loser Leaves SMW: Boo Bradley v Chris Candido
05. SMW Title: Jerry Lawler v Bobby Blaze
06. SMW Title: Bobby Blaze v Buddy Landell
07. Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette v Gangstas & D-Lo Brown
Running Time: 150 minutes – Source: VHS

SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 3/4 – 3/11/95

1. The Dirty White Boy v. Brian Logan.
2. Int – Gangstas
3. Video – Gangstas in the hood celebrating their run with the SMW Tag Titles with their frends (same video from when they first
won the titles.)
4. Billy Black v. Boo Bradley (Black looks great, and wins the TV title)
5. Int – Al Snow and Unabomb
6. Buddy Landel v. Anthony Michaels.
7. The Gangstas v. Southern Boys(The Gangstas use every weapon in the building to injure Scott, and
bust Tracy open. Bob Armstrong runs in, but gets “buried” under the Malcom X flag. )

3/11 – Much of this episode re-caps the matches from Sunday Bloody Sunday
8. CHAIN MATCH- CHRIS CANDIDO v BOO BRADLEY (clips from Sunday Bloody Sunday)- Candido loses, and has to leave
SMW “forever”.
9. SMW TV Champ Billy Black v. Brian Logan.
10. HEAVENLY BODIES & JIM CORNETTE v GANGSTAS & D-LO BROWN (clips from Sunday Bloody Sunday)
11. Int – Jim Cornette & Bob Armstrong – Cornette offers to bring Armstrong a new 6man tag partner to join Armstrong & Tracy
Smothers against the Gangstas & Dlo Brown if Cornette can manage Armstrongs team. Armstrong agrees and Cornette will
reveal who he’s bringing in next week.
12. JERRY LAWLER v DIRTY WHITE BOY- match never gets started, as Landell attacks DWB, injuring him.
13. JERRY LAWLER v BOBBY BLAZE- Blaze takes DWB’s place, and in a Whipwreck-like upset, wins the SMW title!
14. BUDDY LANDELL v BOBBY BLAZE- Landell gets to wrestle Blaze immediately after he wins the belt. Blaze is an
exhausted, bloody mess, but DWB interferes, and Blaze retains the title.
15. Int – The Gangstas
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 3/18 – 3/25/95

1. Buddy Landel v. The Wolfman.
2. Int – Jim Cornette & Tracy Smothers. Cornette offers his managerial services to the Southern Boys. Cornette has signed a
match for the upcoming Bluegrass Brawl with the Gangstas & Dlo Brown v. Smothers, Bob Armstrong and a partner of
Cornette’s choice with the loser having to salute the winner’s flag. Smothers is IRATE that Cornette has signed this match
without his and Armstrong’s consent. That is, until Cornette reveals that their mystery partner will be none other than
3. Video – The Undertaker
4. Bobby Blaze v. Mike Sampson.
5. Int – Bobby Blaze & Buddy Landell. Landell attacks the SMW Champion.
6. Int – The Gangstas aren’t too happy about the Undertaker being signed for the big 6-man tag match at Bluegrass Brawl.
7. Al Snow & Unabom v. Larry Santo & Ken Arden.
8. Boo Bradley v. Killer Kyle This match was for the vacant SMW TV Title but ends in a DQ

9. The Dirty White Boy v. Mike Sampson.
10. Killer Kyle v. Boo Bradley (Kyle wins the vacant SMW TV Title.)
11. Al Snow & Unabom V. Larry Santo & The Wolfman. (Snow uses a loaded glove on his opponents and The Rock & Roll
Express run in and KO Al Snow with the glove!)
12. Int – Buddy Landell, who is obsessed with getting the SMW Title from Bobby Blaze. Landell puts up his own Rolex
watch against Blaze’s title.
13. SMW Champ Bobby Blaze v. Buddy Landel (The ref is KO’d and when Blaze pins Landell, The Dirty White Boy
counts the pin! Blaze and DWB then run off with Landell’s watch!)
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 4/1 – 4/8/95

1. SMW TV Champ Killer Kyle v. Ken Arden.
2. Int – DWB. Perennial jobber, The Wolfman comes out to interrupt the interview to ask DWB to train him so that he can actually
win a match. DWB politely declines his offer.
3. SMW Champ Bobby Blaze v. Buddy Landell (In this match, Landell put up his Mercedes Benz for another title shot
against Blaze. DWB runs in drops an elbow on his buddy Blaze CAUSING THE REFEREE TO DISQUALIFY
LANDELL FOR OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE! Blaze and DWB are laughing their behinds off as Blaze drives off
in Landell’s Benz!
4. SMW Champ Bobby Blaze v. Buddy Landell (From last week. Landell loses again in convoluted fasion thanks to the Dirty
White Boy, and has to forfeit his Rolex Watch.)
5. DWB v. Buddy Landel (Cage match from the March Madness show in Johnson City, TN. Landell’s cheating ways once
again backfire on him and DWB pins him.)
6. Int – Jim Cornette
7. Promo – The Gangstas are in a cemetery discussing their upcoming match with Smothers, Armstrong & the Undertaker. They
are so paranoid that they wind up being scared off by a black cat!
8. Int – Jim Cornette
9. Promo – Paul Bearer & The Undertaker
10. New Jack v. Tracy Smothers (Needless to say, it’s not long before the Gangstas run in to maul Smothers. Boo Bradley and
Jim Cornette run in to attempt the save, but c’mon now, babyface or not, just how much help can Cornette give? In the
end, Bradley and Smothers are lying in the ring bloodied, and Cornette is laid out with the Gangstas’ Malcom X Flag
draped on top of him.)

11. Boo Bradley v. Mike Sampson.
12. SMW TV Champ Killer Kyle v. The Wolfman.
13. Bobby Blaze v. Larry Santo.
14. Int – Buddy Landell. The Wolfman comes out again like last week and asks Buddy Landell this time, if he can train him.
Landell kicks the Wolfman around and sends him on his way.
15. lnt – Bobby Blaze & DWB talk about Blaze’s title match tonight at Fright Night where if Buddy Landell gets caught cheating,
he’ll have to go to jail!
16. Ricky Morton v. Al Snow (Snow tries to use his loaded glove again, but Morton gets a hold of it and Kos Snow for the pin.
Unabomb runs in afterward and destroys both of the RNRs and the referee before carrying Snow to the back.)
17. Int – Al Snow & Unabomb. The time runs out as the RNR Express comes out to brawl with Snow & Unabomb.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 4/15 – 4/22/95

1. Matches 1-5 are from Bluegrass Brawl
2. Rock & Roll Epxress v. Al Snow & Unabomb (Coal Miner’s Glove match. Morton KOs Snow with the Glove, but he falls
on top of the already unconscious Gibson [from an earlier chair shot] to win the SMW Tag Team Titles!)
3. Int – The New SMW Tag Champs, Al Snow & Unabomb.
4. Gangstas & Dlo Brown v. Tracy Smothers, Bob Armstrong & Undertaker (Joined in progress after the babyfaces win.
Instead of kissing the Confederate Flag as per the stipulation, the Gangstas brutally attack Smothers, Armstrong
Cornette and even the referee. The Gangstas then spray paint the Gangstas’ X symbol on Bob Armstrong and continue
beating on Smothers & Cornette until the Undertaker comes back in and clears the Gangstas out of the ring.)
5. Int – Bob Armstrong, Tracy Smothers & Jim Cornette. The babyfaces (funny, calling Cornette a babyface huh?) are in the
back and boy are they pissed! They promise to find a way to run the Gangstas out of Smoky Mountain Wrestling for good.
Matches 6 & 7 are from Fright Night in Johnson City
6. Buddy Landell v. Bobby Blaze (Landell defeats Blaze to regain the SMW and all of the possessions that he had lost to
Blaze in previous weeks.)
7. Ricky Morton v. Unabomb (Coal Miner’s Glove match. Al Snow piledrives Morton 3 times [the piledriver is illegal in
SMW] with the third Piledriver on a steel chair leading to Unabomb scoring the pinfall. Morton is unconscious in the
ring with an apparent neck injury. The ring announcer is calling for an ambulance and the crowd is extremely
concerned for Morton who is placed in a neck brace before being stretchered out to a waiting ambulance accompanied
by his girlfriend. GREAT JOB, as they sell Morton’s neck injury as if his career may be over.)

8. Bobby Fulton v. George South.
9. Int – Bobby Fulton who will get a shot at Buddy Landell’s SMW Title next week.
10. Int – Jim Cornette & Bob Armstrong. Armstrong will do anything to get rid of the Gangstas. Cornette has once again decided
to sign another match. This time it’s Armstrong and yes, ANOTHER mystery partner against the Gangstas in a Texas Death
Match! Cornette won’t reveal just yet who the mystery partner will be, but will tell Armstrong next week.
11. Tracy Smothers & The Dirty White Boy v. Larry Santo & The Wolfman. (DWB and Tracy call themselves The T.H.U.G.s
It stands for: “T” is for Terrible, “H” is for Hell, “U” is for Ugly, and “G” is for Jail, ’cause a Thug can’t spell!
HILARIOUS! The THUGS have put their sights on the Gangstas.)
12. Int – Al Snow & Unabomb, who bring out a casket gloat about putting Ricky Morton out of action. They then eulogize
Morton’s career in very insulting fashion, culminating with claims THAT MORTON WORE WOMAN’S CLOTHES!
Needless to say, Robert Gibson immediately runs out and attacks both men but is quickly beaten down AND NOT ONLY
THUGS and several other babyfaces come out to get Gibson out. But perhaps the most unbelievable part of this is that

Yes, you read this right. After being freed from the casket, Gibson actually cuts a promo about getting revenge on Snow
& Unabomb.
13. SMW TV Champ Killer Kyle v. Mike Mason.
14. SMW Champ Buddy Landel v. Bobby Blaze.

SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 4/29 – 5/6/95

1. Steve Armstrong v. Larry Santo.
2. Promo – Buddy Landell, who has fun gloating about winning the SMW Title from Bobby Blaze.
3. Bobby Blaze v. Killer Kyle (Blaze wins the SMW TV Title.)
4. Jim Cornette calls a conference with Bob Armstrong, and reveals that his mystery partner for Bob Arnstrong in their
Texas Death match against the Gangstas at Volunteer Slam will be none other than TERRY FUNK!!! In order to prove
that he can be trusted, Cornette puts up $50,000 of his own money to refund the fans money if Armstrong and Funk don’t
win the match.
5. Int – Ricky Morton is interviewed at home with a neck brace on.
6. Int – Al Snow & Unabomb. Snow runs down Morton some more, and repeatedly insults Morton’s girlfriend calling her a “bag
of yeast” several times. Morton’s girlfriend then runs in and attacks Snow! After security drags her off, Snow continues to
insult her.
7. Al Snow & Unabom v. Mike Mason & George South (Robert Gibson comes out to ringside and sends Mike Mason to the
back and replaces him for this match! Morton’s girlfriend runs in and once again, attacks Al Snow!)
8. SMW Champ Buddy Landel v. Bobby Fulton. (Landell uses a pair of brass knucks and gets the pin.)
9. Promo – The USWA Tag Team Champions JC Ice & Wolfie D, collectively known as PG 13, who will be wrestling
The THUGS (Smothers & DWB) at Volunteer Slam.
10. Int – The Thugs, who talk about their upcoming match against PG-13 for the USWA Tag Titles. The Gangstas interrupt the
interview to complain that they’re not getting a shot at PG-13’s titles. New Jack challenges the Thugs to a match next week to
determine who will fight PG13.

11. SMW TV Champ Bobby Blaze v. Mike Mason.
12. Int – Al Snow, Unabomb & SMW General Manager Sandy Scott. Ricky Morton is on the telephone. Sandy Scott has signed
a singles match between Ricky Morton & Al Snow in a scaffold match! Snow is beside himself with fear and vows to take care
of Morton before the match can take place.
13. Boo Bradley v. Larry Santo.
14. Int – Boo Bradley.
15. Promo – Terry Funk
16. Promo – Bob Armstrong
17. Int – Jim Cornette
18. Robert Gibson v. The Wolfman (Snow & Unabomb run in and attack Gibson.)
19. Promo – Buddy Landell
20. Int – Steve Armstrong, who lays out a challenge to Buddy Landell for the SMW Title. Armstrong challenges Landell to a
Figure Four challenge match for the SMW Title.
21. Promo – PG 13
22. Tracy Smothers & The Dirty White Boy v. The Gangstas (The Thugs get the win, but the Gangstas destroy them afterward.)

SMW – 1995/05/19 – Knoxville, TN – “Volunteer Slam IV”
01. Bobby Blaze vs. D-Lo Brown
02. Falls Count Anywhere Match: Robert Gibson vs. Unabom
03. SMW Heavyweight Title: Steve Armstrong vs. Buddy Landell
04. Dog Collar Match: Boo Bradley vs. Killer Kyle
05. USWA Tag Team Titles: PG-13 vs. Tracy Smothers & Tony Anthony
06. Texas Death Match: Bob Armstrong & Terry Funk vs. The Gangstas
07. Scaffold Match: Ricky Morton vs. Al Snow
Running Time: 120 minutes – Source: VHS

SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 5/13 – 5/20/95

1. Int – Gangstas
2. Highlights of the feud between The Gangstas and the Thugs.
3. PG-13 VIDEO- Footage of them from the USWA
4. Int – The Thugs (Tracy Smothers & DWB)
5. HIGHLIGHTS of the Terry Funk v Bob Armstrong feud, leading up to the two teaming vs The Gangstas. If they don’t win the
match, Cornette promises to refund every fan’s ticket money.
6. HIGHLIGHTS of the feud between the Rock & Roll Express v Al Snow & Unabomb. Snow’s interviews and overall character
development have improved 100% since he entered SMW.
7. Int – Ricky Morton, who drops a watermelon off of a building to show Al Snow what will happen to him when he falls off of
the scaffold.
8. Int – Al Snow
9. SMW Champ Buddy Landel v. Steve Armstrong (“figure four” match. Steve has Landell trapped in the hold, but Buddy
throws powder in his eyes, and is DQ’d.)

10. Boo Bradley v. George South.
11. Int – Buddy Landell
12. CHAIN MATCH: THE GANGSTAS v DWB & TRACY SMOTHERS- Bloody match with the obligatory post match
beatdown by the Gangstas. Smothers is hung from the top rope.
13. Int – Gangstas still bloody from their chain match.
14. Int – The Thugs, also still bloody after the chain match.
15. CAGE MATCH: RICKY MORTON v AL SNOW- Unabomb is handcuffed outside the ring… or is he? It turns out to
be a fake
Unabomb, as the real one pops up through the canvas of the ring, and helps Snow give Morton a pounding.
16. AL SNOW v BOBBY BLAZE- Blaze is about to pin Snow with the Northern Lights Suplex when Unabomb runs in for
the DQ.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 5/27 – 6/3/95

Tonight’s episode contains the highlights from Volunteer Slam.
1. DOGFIGHT MATCH: BOO BRADLEY v KILLER KYLE, jip. The metal dog collar sits atop one of the ringposts.
Bradley uses one of the Gangstas nightsticks to win.
2. DIRTY WHITE BOY & TRACY SMOTHERS v PG-13, jip. DWB and Tracy win the UWSA tag titles until heel USWA
official Randy Hales lies to ref Mark Curtis about the finish, and reverses the decision. A GREAT three way brawl
breaks out in the back between the Gangstas, PG-13, and DWB & Smothers. When Hales tries to explain what happened
in the ring earlier.
3. SCAFFOLD MATCH: RICKY MORTON v AL SNOW- Snow takes the bump from the Scaffold, but then he and
Unabomb hang Morton from the side of the Scaffold. They sell these Scaffold matches like the bump could kill someone,
then Snow gets right back up after taking it…well, good luck selling tickets for the next Scaffold Match.
4. Bob Armstrong & Terry Funk v. The Gangstas (Texas Death Match.)

Armstrong & Funk win, but THE BIG ANGLE takes place after the match, where Cornette thanks Bob Armstrong for
helping him vs the Gangstas by THROWING A FIREBALL IN HIS FACE! Funk, Buddy Landell and The Punisher then help Cornette
destroy Bob Armstrong, and every babyface in the building! Cornette shoves his shoe in Bob’s mouth, getting revenge for the “kiss my feet”
match that took place in November 1994. Cornette is a heel again, and all is right
in the world.
5. Int – Jim Cornette, Terry Funk, and the Punisher celebrate Cornette’s monumental heel turn.
6. SMW INTERVIEWS JIM CORNETTE (accompanied by Buddy Landell & The Punisher.) Cornette reviews his past feud vs
Bob Armstrong, and explains his six month babyface turn as a plot to get even with Armstrong.
7. Footage from last week with the brawl between PG-13, The Thugs & The Gangtas
8. Int – The Gangstas, who talk about the upcoming
9. Int – Randy Hales & PG-13
10. Recap of the feud between Ricky Morton & Al Snow.
11. JIM CORNETTE announces that with the signing of Landell & The Punisher he’s forming his own “Militia”.

SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 6/10 – 6/17/95

1. Recap of the feud between the Rock & Roll Express & Al Snow and Unabomb
2. Int – Rock & Roll Express
3. Recap of the 3-way interpromotional Tag Team Feud between the Thugs (Smothers & DWB), The Gangstas and the USWA’s
PG-13 and the upcoming 3 way tag match with $10,000 going to the winner
4. Int – The Gangstas
5. Int – PG-13
6. Int – The Thugs
7. Recap of Jim Cornette’s babyface run and his big heel turn at Voluteer Slam.
8. Int – Jim Cornette, Buddy Landell & The Punisher
9. Int – Al Snow & Unabomb

10. The Headbangers v. Larry Santo & Mike Mason
11. Int – Headbangers
12. Int – The Thugs
13. SMW Tag Champs Al Snow & Unabom v. Lee Thomas & The Wolfman.
14. Int – Militia General Jim Cornette, Buddy Landell & Punisher. Cornette is hilarious in his military fatigues, barking orders at
announcer Les Thatcher. Cornette also introduces TERRY “BAM BAM” GORDY to the Militia.
15. Boo Bradley v. D-Lo Brown.
16. RANDY HALES calls Mark Curtis “the worst referee ever”- when Curtis confronts him, Hales attacks Curtis from behind!
Hales is a riot here, as he;s about 6’4″, and maybe 150 lbs, and is just crawling with geekiness.
17. SMW Champ Buddy Landel v. Steve Armstrong. if Steve wins, he gets a match vs Cornette. The Punisher KO’s Steve for
the win.
18. BOB ARMSTRONG brings out an unimpressive looking masked man, calling him “Armstrong’s Avenger”. Cornette and
Landell are in stitches when they see The Avenger, throwing out several hilarious one liners about what has to be the
skinniest masked wrestler in history before challenging the Avenger to a match next week.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 6/24 – 7/1/95

1. Int – Bob Armstrong & The Avenger
2. BUDDY LANDELL v THE AVENGER- suddenly, The Avenger has gained some weight, as he doesn’t seem to be the
same skinny guy who we had seen earlier. The Avenger unmasks himself and we see that he is actually BRAD
ARMSTRONG! Brad tears into the shocked Landell and scores a clean, non-title pin in on Buddy, gets a few shots in on Cornette, and even
steals Corny’s tennis racquet! Good to see Brad get a push.
3. Int – Brad Armstrong
4. Int – Referee Mark Curtis challenges USWA Vice President Randy Hales to a match!
5. Int – Randy Hales accepts his Curtis’ challenge
6. Int – Rock & Roll Express. Morton is ready to play a tape that belongs to Al Snow, but SMW commissioner Bob Armstrong
and Al Snow bring a legal order to turn the tape over to Snow. Snow can’t gloat for long though, as Armstrong orders Snow &
Unabomb to give the RNRs a title shot. Morton sweetens the pot by making it a “Loser Leaves Smoky Mountain” match.
7. Int – Steve Armstrong
8. Int – Jim Cornette & his new Militia
9. TOMMY RICH sends in an interview- Cornette’s Militia has a new member, and a good one.
10. TERRY GORDY v LEE THOMAS- Gordy debuts as Cornette’s latest find, and he looks better than he did in 1994.
11. Tracy Smothers & The Dirty White Boy v. Killer Kyle & D-Lo Brown (Kyle & Brown lose the match and the run of
The Gangstas are officially put to rest. The REAL Gangstas [New Jack & Mustafa] were finished in SMW at this point,
and had gone to ECW. They actually Left SMW earlier than scheduled, no-showing about 4 dates where they were
supposed to put the THUGS over. D-Lo and Killer Kyle are not referred to as Gangstas now, and The name “Gangstas”
was not even mentioned.)
12. Int – The Thugs, who talk about the upcoming 3 way tag match between themselves, PG-13 and the Headbangers, who have
replaced the Gangstas who had abruptly left Smoky Mountain to go to ECW.

13. The Headbangers v. The Wolfman & Mike Mason.
14. Int – Headbangers
15. Int – Rock & Roll Express, who has another tape of Al Snow and this time gets to play it for the fans and it shows that it was
Jim Cornette who brought Snow & Unabomb into SMW to take out the RNRs. Cornette is in the ring and announces that
Snow & Unabomb are now in his militia and will take the RNRs out in their upcoming Loser Leaves town match. The RNRs
run into the ring to attack Cornette, but Snow & Unabomb run in and attack the RNRs. The Thugs come in and make the save.
16. Brad Armstrong v. Larry Santo.
17. Int – UFC & NWA Champion Dan Severn who will be taking on Ken Shamrock at the 6th Ultimate Fighting Championship
18. Promo – Tommy “Wildfire” Rich
19. Int – Mark Curtis
20. Int – Jim Cornette & his militia of Al Snow & Unabomb, The Punisher & Buddy Landell.
21. Int – Boo Bradley
22. Terry Gordy v. Boo Bradley (The Militia runs in and attacks Boo after the match. Brad and Steve Armstrong make the
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 7/8 – 7/15/95

7/8 There are tracking problems during the last half of this show.
1. Brad Armstrong v. Buddy Landell (From Summerblast 95. Armstrong pins Landell just as the bell rings, but it was
Cornette who rang the bell. The ref orders the match restarted, and Landell nails Armstrong with a pair of brass knucks for the win. BUT NOT
FOR LONG, as Tracy Smothers tells the ref what happens and the ref once again restarts the
match! Armstrong immediately hits his finisher on Landell and pins him to win the SMW Heavyweight Title!)
2. Interviews with both the timekeeper and the referee about all the confusion regarding the finish of the match.
3. Int – Tracy Smothers gives his point of view of the match.
4. Int – Jim Cornette of course claims that he didn’t ring the bell on purpose and complains alongside former champion Buddy
Landell about losing the title.
5. Int – The new SMW Chamnp Brad Armstrong who gives his version of the match.
6. The Dirty White Boy & Tracy Smothers v. D-Lo Brown & Larry Santo (After his run with the Gangstas, Dlo Brown is back
down to prelim status)
7. Int – The Thugs
8. The Punisher v. Mike Mason.
9. Brad Armstrong v. Killer Kyle.
10. SMW Tag Champs Al Snow & Unabom v. Wofman & :arru Samto (The Rock & Roll Express come in and replace the job
team, leading directly to….)
11. The Rock-n-Roll Express v. SMW Tag Champs Al Snow & Unabom

7/15 The tracking is fine for this show. Excellent quality.
12. PG-13 v. Matt & Jeff Hardy (Yes, THOSE Hardy Boys.)
13. Int – PG-13
14. Int – Bob & Brad Armstrong. Bob announces at the Superbowl card, Unabomb will be wrestling THE UNDERTAKER!
15. Buddy Landel v. The Wolfman.
16. Promo – IC Champion Jeff Jarrett, who talks about his IC Title Match against Buddy Landell
17. Promo – Shawn Michaels who claims that he’ll be the one defending the IC title against Landell after beating Jarrett for the
title at the upcoming In Your House PPV.
18. Tommy Rich v. Jason Arndt.
19. Int – The Militia is gloating about how the scheduled title match with Tag Champs Unabomb & Al Snow against the Rock &
Roll Express won’t happen since the RNRs aren’t here. Bob Armstrong orders the tag champs to the ring, telling them that
he will pick a replacement team to wrestle Snow & Unabomb for the titles.
20. Tracy Smothers & Dirty White Boy v. Al Snow & Unabom (The THUGS are the surprise replacements for the Rock &
Roll Express and win the SMW Tag Team Titles!)
21. The Rock & Roll Express aren’t too happy about the Thugs’s title victory, as the arrive to the back while the Thugs are
celebrating their victory. Both teams begin arguing about it, while Bob Armstrong tries to calm them down.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 7/22 – 7/29/95

1. Terry Gordy v. Jason Arndt.
2. Boo Bradley v. Tommy Rich (Rich nails Boo with a chain and gets the pin, but Boo finds the chain and shows the ref. His
joy doesn’t last long though, as Terry Gordy comes out and along with Rich, beats Boo with a much larger chain.)
3. Int – The Militia
4. The Thugs v. Snow & Unabomb (From last week. Smothers & DWB win the SMW Tag Titles. The RNR Express were
supposed to get the title shot against Snow & Unabomb but didn’t arrive at the arena in time. They’re not at all happy
that they were replaced in this match and argue with the Thugs and SMW Commissioner Bob Armstrong.)
5. Int – Rock & Roll Express. The RNRs still aren’t happy that they didn’t get the title shot after feuding for so long with Snow
& Unabomb, and consider themselves the rightful Tag Team Champions. The Thugs come out and argue with Morton & Gibson
and Bob Armstrong has to come out to restore order. Armstrong signs a match between the Thugs and the RNR Express
for the upcoming Superbowl card in Knoxville, TN on 8/4.
6. Int – Headbangers
7. The Headbangers v. Matt & Jeff Hardy.
8. Lance Russell has all of the babyfaces in the ring with envelopes to see who has the right to pick their own dream
matches for the upcoming Fire on the Mountain. The Rock & Roll Express, Brad Armstrong, Boo Bradley, DWB and of
all people, the Wolfman win the right to pick their own dream match.
9. Lance Russell has all of the SMW heels in the ring with their Dream Match envelopes. Buddy Landell, The Punisher,
The Headbangers & Al Snow all win the right to sign their own dream match. The Wolfman interrupts the celebration to
Tell Cornette that his dream is to finally win a match, and so he picks his dream opponent to be none other than
JIM CORNETTE! Cornette is hilarious making fun of the Wolfman, who has a won loss record second only to Barry
Horowitz, but he still accepts the match telling him he can have any match he wants.
10. The Rock-n-Roll Express v. Killer Kyle & D-Lo Brown
11. Steve Armstrong v. The Punisher
12. Int – Bob Armstrong

13. Brad Armstrong v. D-Lo Brown.
14. Int – Brad Armstrong
15. Promo – Jim Cornette & Unabomb. Cornette who talks about how Unabomb will destroy the Undertaker. Very ironic, as 3 years
later, Unabomb would
be brought into the WWF as the Undertaker’s brother KANE!
16. Promo – The Undertaker
17. Video – clips of Unabomb and the Undertaker in action to “Unholy” by KISS.
18. Int – Bob Armstrong & Bob Armstrong (Armstrong had granted Wolfman a “First Blood” match against Jim Cornette, but
informs us that Wofman injured his “posterior giblet” in training and won’t be able to wrestle. Armstrong, as commissioner
names HIMSELF as the substitute for Wolfman and will wrestle Cornette instead! Cornette is beside himself!
19. Tommy Rich v. Boo Bradley. (Needless to say, Jim Cornette’s entire militia eventually runs in to demolish Boo. Bob &
Scott Armstrong along with Tracy Smothers runs in to make the save, but the Punisher stands his ground and stares
down Bob. Bob & The Punisher will wrestle at the upcoming Superbowl.)
20. Promo & Video – Shawn Michaels
21. Promo – Buddy Landell talks about how he’s defeated his own personal demons and how he’s proud to get a shot at the WWF
Intercontinental Champion. Very good promo, as Landell doesn’t sound at all like a heel here, but actually sounds very
inspirational here.
22. The Headbangers v. SMW Tag Champs Tracy Smothers & The Dirty White Boy (The Headbangers try to use a chair, but
the Rock & Roll Express run in to make the save, but wind up getting Smothers & DWB disqualified in the process. The
Thugs aren’t very happy about it.)
23. Int – The Thugs & The Rock & Roll Express argue about what just happened in the ring. The RNRs constant whining about
missing their title shot is getting old.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 8/5 – 8/12/95

1. Al Snow & Unabom v. Jason Arndt & Matt Hardy.
2. Int – Jim Cornette announces that Snow & Unabomb’s dream match will be Snow & Unabomb v. The Thugs for the SMW
Tag Team Titles with Jim Cornette as the guest referee.
3. Video – PG-13
4. Int – PG13
5. The Punisher v. Jeff Hardy.
6. Int – Bob Armstrong, who will be wrestling Jim Cornette in a “First Blood” match.
7. Career Spotlight on former wrestler Ron Wright
8. Int – Rock & Roll Express. The Thugs come out to argue some more about their upcoming match.
9. The remainder of the Dream Matches for Fire on the Mountain are announced:
Tommy Rich’s Dream Match: Rich v. Boo Bradley (Boo will be blindfolded)
Punisher’s Dream Match: 6 man Battle Royal with Punisher, Al Snow, Unabom, Tommy Rich, Buddy Landell & Brad
Armstrong. (Virtually the entire militia against Brad Armstrong? Bad news for Brad. I’m just wondering who will win
the match once it’s all of Cornette’s men against each other?)
Headbanger Thrasher’s Dream Match: Headbangers v. Rock & Roll Express (If the RNRs lose, they must wear dresses)
Dirty White Boy’s Dream Match: DWB ain’t telling. It’ll be announced the night of the event.
Boo Bradley’s Dream Match: Boo & Mongolian Stomper v. Tommy Rich & Punisher (Falls count anywhere)
Buddy Landell’s Dream Match: Brad Armstrong v. an opponent that Landell will name on the night of the show.
Wolfman’s Dream Match: Bob Armstrong v. Jim Cornette (First Blood Match.)
Al Snow’s Dream Match: Al Snow & Unabomb v. The Thugs (loser of the pinfall must leave SMW)
Brad Armstrong’s Dream Match: Brad Armstrong v. Buddy Landell (for the now held up SMW Title in a lumberjack
match with the lumberjacks all having tennis rackets!)
Ricky Morton’s Dream Match: Rock & Roll Express v. whoever wins the Tag Title match between Unabomb & Al Snow v.
The Thugs earlier in the night.
10. Terry Gordy & Tommy Rich v. Boo Bradley & Bobby Blaze
11. Int – Brad Armstrong challenges the entire Militia next week!

Brad Armstrong runs the gauntlet of Jim Cornette’s militia in consecutive matches.
12. Brad Armstrong v. Al Snow. (Armstrong gets the pin, but gets no rest, as he must face….)
13. Brad Armstrong v. Unabom. (Armstrong scores the upset pin!)
14. Buddy Landel v. Brad Armstrong (Landell is right there with a tennis racquet when the ref’s back is turned. I think you
know what happens after that.)
15. Int – Bob & Brad Armstrong
16. Recaps of the major angles leading into tonight’s Fire on the Mountain show.
17. Rock & Roll Express v. PG 13 (Footage is shown of the ending of the match when the Headbangers run in and attack
Morton forcing him into a skirt while PG 13 holds down Gibson. Al Snow & Unabomb also run in to attack the Express.
The Thugs run in and clear the babyfaces out of the ring, but Gibson is so upset by this time he attacks Smothers. DWB
and Gibson try to break it up, but to no avail as Morton & Smothers continue to brawl all over the ring.)
18. Thugs v. Rock & Roll Express (From Superbowl, Knoxville TN. No match, as Robert Gibson and Bob Armstrong come
to the ring and announce that Tracy Smothers and Ricky Morton’s girlfriends have recently gotten into a fist fight, with both
women filing criminal charges against each other. Morton himself, has taken possession of Smothers’ Tag Team belt and has
not returned it. Morton had since promised to sue SMW, and as a result has been fired. Gibson announces that he asked Morton
personally to come back, but refused, effectively ending the Rock & Roll Express as a team. Smothers and Gibson shake hands,
burying the hatchet between them.

But the happy moment doesn’t last long, as Jim Cornette comes out and suggests that the Thugs defend their titles against one of
Cornette’s teams. The Thugs accept, leading to….

19. The THUGS v. THE HEAVENLY BODIES! (GREAT MATCH! Jimmy Del Ray & Dr. Tom Pritchard make their
return to SMW and despite being heels, are heavily cheered! as both Smothers and Pritchard [especially Pritchard] are
beaten bloody. Smothers Piledrives Pritchard hrough a table! In the end, Cornette smothers DWB with an ether soaked
rag leading to the Heavenly Bodies winning the SMW Tag Team Titles!)

SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 8/19 – 8/26/95

8/19 Matches are from the Super Bowl show in Knoxville, TN on 8/4/95
1. Unabomb v. The Undertaker (The REAL first meeting between the Undertaker and the wrestler who would eventually
become his “brother” KANE.)
2. Al Snow v. Marty Jannetty (Snow wins the MTW [Midwest Territorial Wrestling] Championship)
3. Punisher v. Bob Armstrong
4. Brad Armstrong v. Billy Jack Haynes (Armstrong defeats Haynes to win the USWA Heavyweight Title!)
5. Int – Brad Armstrong
6. The THUGS v. The Heavenly Bodies (same as last week. With the Rock & Roll Express split up, Cornette gets the Thugs
to wrestle the Heavenly Bodies instead, and the Bodies win the SMW Tag Titles)
7. Buddy Landell v. Shawn Michaels (This is for Michaels WWF IC Title. Landell despite being the heel with Jim Cornette
as his manager, is seen by many as the hometown hero and is still cheered. Landell nearly puts HBK away cleanly, but
breaks his 3 count because he sees Cornette’s racquet in the ring from a previous [and unrelated] interference attempt.
The confusion allows Michaels to recover enough to get the pinfall on Landell with the superkick. Cornette is pissed
at Landell and the two argue in the ring. Cornette shoves Landell, and the rest of the Militia runs in. Brad Armstrong
comes in and along with Michaels takes on the entire Militia. Landell seems conflicted and stands off to the side
watching the figbt. In the end, Armstrong and Michaels run the heels off, and Landell simply walks out. )
8. Int – Shawn Michaels
9. Int – Cornette & Landell. Cornette tries to speak for Landell and talks about Buddy’s failing to win the match. Buddy has had
enough, and argues with Cornette about costing him his match with Michaels.

8/26 Matches are from the Fire on the Mountain show in Johnson City, TN on 8/12/95
10. Re-cap of Brad Armstrong winning the USWA Title from Billy Jack Haynes last week at Superbowl and clips of their re-match
in Memphis where Haynes regains the USWA Title in extremely controversial fashion.
11. Int – Bob Armstrong who is very upset at the circumstances revolving Brad’s match, and the resulting problems between the
12. Punisher, Al Snow, Unabom, Tommy Rich, Buddy Landell & Brad Armstrong.Brad Armstrong v. Brian Lee (This was the
Punisher’s dream match, as it would be the whole militia against Brad Armstrong. Prior to the match though, Landell
berates Cornette for costing him the IC Title in his match with Shawn Michaels last week and refuses to wrestle in the
battle royal. Landell also instructs Cornette not to be involved in his match with Brad Armstrong later on in the night.)
13. Brad Armstrong v. Brian Lee (This was Buddy Landell & Jim Cornette’s dream match with Lee being Armstrong’s
surprise opponent.)
14. Brad Armstrong v. Buddy Landell (Lumberjack match with all of the lumberjacks holding tennis racquets. This was
Armstrong’s dream match. Against Landell’s wishes, Cornette gets involved and causes Landell to lose the match
and the SMW Heavyweight Championship to Brad Armstrong for the second time! Landell is FURIOUS and nearly
attacks Cornette before Corny bails out of the ring.)
15. Int – Brad Armstrong
16. The Thugs v. Al Snow & Unabomb (Loser of the fall leaves SMW with Jim Cornette as the referee. This was Al Snow’s
dream match. Cornette is great as an extremely biased referee doing all of the stuff you’d expect from a heel referee
with the slow counts for the babyfaces and lightning quick counts for the heels. In the end, Cornette is knocked
unconscious, and when the Thugs go for a cover on Al Snow, referee Mark Curtis runs in, grabs Cornette’s hand and
forces him to count to 3! Unabomb must leave Smoky Mountain Wrestling!)
17. Int – The THUGS
18. Int – Jim Cornette & his militia. Landell is still with Cornette, but promises that there will be trouble if Cornette ever
interferes in anymore of his matches.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 9/2 – 9/9/95

9/2 Matches are from the Fire on the Mountain show in Johnson City, TN on 8/12/95
1. Bob Armstrong v. Jim Cornette (First Blood Match. This was the Wolfman’s dream match. Cornette squeaks out a
win thanks to the Punisher.)
2. Int – Bob Armstrong promises revenge on Cornette and especially the Punisher in another First Blood match at the 9/9 show at
Johnson City.
3. Retirement Ceremony for Ron Wright. Very touching momemt, as Wright has been a mainstay in Southern Wrestling.
4. Dirty White Boy announces that the dream match that he has chosen, is to wrestle Ron Wright. DWB then rings the bell and
does the honors for his hero Ron Wright by laying down in the center of the ring so Wright can pin him.
5. Int – Jim Cornette, Punisher & Tommy Rich. Cornette is grilled for his numerous screw-ups while trying to interfere in
Buddy Landell’s matches.
6. The THUGS v. The Heavenly Bodies (From Superbowl With the Rock & Roll Express splitting up for good, the Thugs
were left without an opponent for Fire on the Mountain. Cornette brings in the Heavenly Bodies and they have a great
match resulting in the Bodies winning the SMW Tag Team Titles.)
7. Heavenly Bodies v. PG-13 (From Memphis TN, as the Bodies take on and DEFEAT PG-13 for the USWA Tag Team
Titles! The Bodies now hold both the Smoky Mountain AND the USWA Tag Titles.)
8. The Thugs v. The Heavenly Bodies (From Fire on the Mountain. Another bloody brawl between these two teams.)
9. Int – Cornette & The Heavenly bodies. Jimmy Del Rey is a BLOODY MESS! Cornette talks some major trash about the
Thugs, and Smothers & DWB run into the locker room and beat 6 kinds of hell out of Cornette, Del Rey and especially
Pritchard, blasting Dr. Tom with several VICIOUS SHOTS TO HIS LEG WITH A WOODEN BOARD!
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 9/16 – 9/23/95

1. The Dirty White Boy & Tracy Smothers[The THUGS] v. Killer Kyle & Larry Santo
2. Int – The Thugs talk about their post match beat down of the Heavenly Bodies at Fire on the Mountain, as they promise to
regain the SMW Tag Titles by any means necessary.
3. Clips are shown of Buddy Landell getting relentlessly beaten by the Militia at a house show, as well as the Thugs beating
down the Heavenly Bodies in a lockerroom brawl.
4. SMW Bob Armstrong announces that due to the recent lawlessness by numerous wrestlers, he’s fining The Punisher, Terry
Gordy, Tommy Rich, Jim Cornette & the THUGS. Armstrong institutes new rules that call for fines for striking the officials and
against using any potentially deadly weapons.
5. The Heavenly Bodies v. Ron Davis & Chris Michaels
6. Int – Al Snow
7. Footage is shown of Landell losing a match to Brad Armstrong, once again because Jim Cornette’s
interference backfired. Cornette blames Landell, and “Courtmartials” Landell from the Militia. Landell attacks Landell
Terry Gordy and Tommy Rich, but eventually falls prey to the Militias superior numbers and is beaten bloody.
8. Int – Buddy Landell
9. Int – Cornette & the Militia talk some trash about Buddy Landell. Buddy Landell runs in with a chair and chases the heels
off. Bob Armstrong immediately fines Landell, but agrees to cover Landell’s fine himself as a first offense under the new rules.
10. Int – Robert Gibson agrees to take on a new partner in young Chris Michaels.
11. Int – Terry Gordy
12. SMW Champ Brad Armstrong v. Al Snow (Terry comes in the ring and confronts Armstrong.)

13. Tommy Rich v. Larry Santo.
14. Int – Cornette, Tommy Rich & The Punisher
15. SMW Tag Champs The Heavenly Bodies v. Robert Gibson & Chris Michaels
16. Int – Brad Armstrong
17. Buddy Landel v. Killer Kyle.
18. Int – Buddy Landell
19. Int – The THUGS
20. Boo Bradley v. The Punisher (The Punisher blasts Boo’s leg with several chair shots. Bob Armstrong comes out to break it
up and fine the Punisher. Bob Armstrong then challenges Cornette to a match with one arm tied behind his back.)
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 9/30 – 10/7/95

1. Terry Gordy v. The Wolfman.
2. Buddy Landel v. Headbanger Mosh.
3. Int – Buddy Landell
4. Video – Buddy Landell in action against Shawn Michaels with Cornette costing him the match and a shot at winning the WWF
IC Title.
5. Int – Cornette & The Militia make fun of Landell’s past as an alcoholic and then insults his wife and kids. Landell of course,
runs in but gets demolished by Cornette, Punisher & Tommy Rich. They then hold Landell down while Cornette opens a
bottle of beer and pours it down Landell’s throat.
6. Tommy Rich v. Ron Davis.
7. Int – Robert Gibson. Footage is shown of last week’s match with Gibson & his new partner Chris Michaels against the
Heavenly Bodies. But Michaels ain’t no Ricky Morton and they lost the match. Gibson decides to work singles matches
for the time being.
8. Bob Armstrong v. Jim Cornette (Bob wrestles Cornette with one hand tied behind his back. Of course, you know that this
leads to the Militia beating the hell out of the one armed Armstrong. Brad Armstrong and the THUGS run in to make
the save.)

10. Chris Michaels v. Larry Santo.
11. Int – Brad Armstrong & The Wolfman, who will be wrestling Terry Gordy & Headbanger Thrasher in a “Halloween Scream”
match. On the Halloween Scream card on 10/28. If Brad loses, Gordy wins the SMW Title. If Thrasher loses, he and Gordy
will have to shave their heads. If Gordy loses, Brad gives him 10 lashes with a leather strap, and if the Wolfman loses, he must
throw $1000 in cash to the fans.
12. Tommy Rich v. Robert Gibson.
13. Int – Buddy Landell who will be wrestling in a “4 corners of fear” Barbed Wire match against Tommy Rich at Halloween
14. The Headbangers v. The Wolfman & Ron Davis.
15. SMW Tag Champs The Heavenly Bodies v. The Dirty White Boy & Tracy Smothers
16. Int – The THUGS demand a special referee for their match against the Heaven Scream show.
17. Brad Armstrong v. Al Snow
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 10/14 – 10/21/95

1. Int – The THUGS introduce ROBERT GIBSON as the special referee for their match against the Heavenly Bodies at
Halloween Scream.
2. Buddy Landel v. Larry Santo.
3. Int – DWB talks about why none of the SMW babyfaces are helping Buddy Landell out with his feud with Jim Cornette.
4. Int – Buddy Landell
5. Flash Flanagan v. Tommy Rich. (Buddy Landell comes out wearing Rich’s vest. Rich is so preoccupied with Landell that
6. The Punisher v. Ron Davis.
7. Brad Armstrong v. Headbanger Thrasher.
8. Int – Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette

9. Tracy Smothers & The Dirty White Boy v. Larry Santo & Ron Davis.
10. Int – Buddy Landell, who acknowledges that he’s still looking for someone to help him fight the Militia, as nobody in SMW
trusts him enough to tag with him.
11. Robert Gibson v. Headbanger Mosh (The Heavenly Bodies come out, and while the ref is arguing with them, the THUGs
come out and interfere in the match, helping Gibson get the win!)
12. The Heavenly Bodies and the THUGS brawl on the interview set.
13. Flash Flanagan v. Tommy Rich (Rematch from last week’s upset win by Flanagan over Rich. Landell comes out again
still wearing Rich’s vest. Both Cornette and Rich chase Landell around the outside of the ring and the referee counts
Rich out. FLASH FLANAGAN WINS AGAIN! Cornette is so upset, hethrows a temper tantrum!)
14. Terry Gordy v. Chris Michaels. (Gordy challenges Armstrong to a match, and Armstrong accepts, leading to a surprise
match between…..)
15. SMW Champ Brad Armstrong v. Terry Gordy (The show goes off the air with the match still in progress.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 10/28 – 11/4/95

1. The Heavenly Bodies v. Chris Michaels & The Wolfman.
2. Int – Heavenly Bodies & Jim Cornette
3. SMW Champ Brad Armstrong v. Terry Gordy (complete match from last week. )
4. Brad Armstrong & Wolfman v. Thrasher & Terry Gordy (From the Halloween Scream tour. Mosh interferes, allowing
Gordy to pin Armstrong and due to the pre-match stipulation, Gordy wins the SMW Heavyweight Title!)
5. Brad Armstrong v. Larry Santo.
6. Buddy Landell v. Tommy Rich (Chain Match from Halloween Scream. The Punisher runs in and along with Cornette &
Rich, Landell suffers a triple team attack.)
7. Int – Tommy Rich & Jim Cornette gloat about the chain match beating, and about their barbed wire match
8. Int – Buddy Landell. Landell is presented with a huge box as a gift from the SMW fans. Before he can open it up, Cornette
& the Militia come out and chase Landell off so they can take his present for themselves. Cornette opens the package himself
AND A MIDGET WRESTLER JUMPS OUT AND ATTACKS HIM! No wonder Landell ran off so easily.
9. Int – Buddy Landell and his “Little Friend” Butch. Landell talks about his upcoming Barbed Wire match tonight in
Johnson City.
10. The Dirty White Boy v. Tom Pritchard. (Del Rey and Smothers brawl with each other on the outside. With referee Mark
Curtis out cold, Robert Gibson runs in to make the 3 count when DWB covers Pritchard.)
11. Int – Jim Cornette talks about how the Heavenly Bodies will beat the THUGS in their chain match tonight in Johnson City.
But not for long, as Landell’s midget friend Butch Cassidy chases Cornette into the ring and beats the hell out of him. The
Punisher comes out and attacks Butch, but Landell makes the save.

12. Flash Flanagan v. Mike Samples (Flanagan is on a roll here, pinning Samples)
13. Buddy Landell v. Tommy Rich (Barbed wire match from Halloween Scream. Landell gets the win, but the Punisher
runs in and along with Cornette & Rich demolish both Landell and referee Mark Curtis who are both left bleeding in the
14. Int – Buddy Landell talks about how he’s been trying to get a particular wrestler to team with him at Thanksgiving Thunder
against the Punisher & Tommy Rich. Well, Buddy promised him a car and he agreed to team with Landell. Landell’s partner
is Joe LeDuc! So at Thanksgiving Thunder, it will be Landell & LeDuc v. Rich & Punisher with Bob Armstrong outside the
ring with a baseball bat!
15. Video – Joe Leduc
16. Int – Jim Cornette, Tommy Rich & The Punisher are extremely worried about Landell’s choice of Joe Leduc as his partner.
17. Int – Cornette & Sandy Scott argue about the tag match between Gordy & Thrasher v. Brad Armstrong & Wolfman. The
previous stipulations said that if Gordy lost, he’d have to take 10 lashes with a leather strap, and if Armstrong lost, he would
lose the SMW Title. Well Gordy is now the SMW champion, so not only does Armstrong have nothing to lose now, but
Gordy would now lose both the SMW Title AND have to take 10 lashes. Cornette lobbies to have the 10 lashes rule applied
to Armstrong instead with the SMW title change rule applying now to Gordy. Sandy Scott agrees.
18. Gordy & Thrasher v. Brad Armstrong & Wolfman (Trick or Treat Tag Match from Halloween Scream in Johnson City
10/28. The heels win, even though it was actually HEADBANGER MOSH who scored the pin! Brad is still ordered to
take 10 lashes from Gordy as per the pre-match stipulations. After the first 2 lashes though, Wolfman pulls Mosh out
from under the ring and alerts the ref to what happened. It doesn’t help Armstrong though, as Gordy continues to whip
Armstrong, while both Headbangers beat on Wolfman and the referee until the THUGS run in to make the save.)
19. Int – Brad Armstrong challenges Terry Gordy to a “Bad Street Strap Match” for the SMW Title at Thanksgiving Thunder.
20. Terry Gordy v. Ron Davis.
21. The Punisher v. Chris Michaels.
22. Heavenly Bodies v. The THUGS (2/3 falls Double chain match with Robert Gibson as the referee. From Halloween
Scream in Johnson City. Closing moments of the match, as Smothers is thrown into Gibson knocking him down.
Cornette uses the moment of confusion to come in and try to use his tennis racquet. Gibson snatches it away though
AND THEN BLASTS TRACY SMOTHERS WITH IT! Gibson turns heel in the biggest shocker of the entire year and
counts the pin giving the Heavenly Bodies the victory! Gibson then KOs DWB for good measure before leaving with
Cornette and the Heavenly Bodies.)
23. After the match, the announcers are unable to get an interview with either Cornette or Gibson, but promise to get more
information next week.
24. Int – Butch Cassidy, who will wrestle Jim Cornette at Thanksgiving Thunder. Cornette interrupts the interview and
distracts Cassidy while Tommy Rich grabs him from behind. Together with Cornette, they humiliate Cassity pouring
Ketchup all over him.
25. Buddy Landel v. Tommy Rich (It was supposed to be the Wolfman wrestling Rich, but Landell convinces Wolfman to leave.
(Show cuts off while the match is still in progress.)

SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 11/11 – 11/18

1. Buddy Landel v. Tommy Rich (conclusion from last week. Cornette attacks Landell for the DQ, but Butch Cassidy runs
in to attack Cornette. The Punisher comes in though and attacks Landell and Cassidy. Once again, the Militia leave
Cassidy and Landell unconscious in the ring.)
2. Int – Jim Cornette & Robert Gibson who explain why Gibson turned heel and joined forces with Cornette & the Militia.
Cornette re-names Gibson “The King of Rock & Roll”
3. Robert Gibson v. Bobby Blaze.
4. Int – The THUGS talk about Robert Gibson turning heel on them at Halloween Scream, as well as their upcoming 6 man
match with a mystery partner against Robert Gibson & The Heavenly Bodies at Thanksgiving Thunder.
5. Video – Joe Leduc
6. Int – Cornette, Tommy Rich & Punisher continue to complain about Landell choosing Joe Leduc as his tag partner.
Cornette also announces his newest addition to the Militia, Sgt. Rock. SGT Rock however, is none other than Jacquelyn!
7. Sgt. Rock (Jacquelyn) v. Ron Davis (Cornette provides some distraction, and Jacquelyn scores the pin with a DDT.)
8. Int – Cornette & Sgt. Rock. The Wolfman comes out and objects to Sgt. Rock being signed to wrestle. Jacquelyn then
proceeds to beat the hell out of him!
9. Brad Armstrong v. Headbanger Mosh.

10. The Dirty White Boy & Tracy Smothers v. The Headbangers
11. Int – Jim Cornette. Butch Cassidy comes out looking defeated and brings Cornette a present. Even though presents and
cakes NEVER work out in Cornette’s favor, he still chooses to accept the gift and open it. Cornette only finds a plastic bag
which Cassidy immediately takes and chokes Cornette out with it! Cornette and presents is like Charlie Brown and that
football that Lucy keeps pulling away from him. He knows it’s going to come back to bite him, but he just HAS to open it
12. Terry Gordy v. Ron Davis. (Jacquelyn runs in and attacks Davis after the match, and the Wolfman runs in to make the
save. Gordy takes a leather strap and begins whipping Wolfman, but Brad Armstrong comes in and runs Gordy off.)
13. Int – Buddy Landell
14. Int – Robert “King of Rock” Gibson cuts a heel promo in the ring. Tracy Smothers comes out and confronts Gibson, and they
wind up brawling in the ring. Jimmy Del Rey of The Heavenly Bodies runs in to help double team Smothers until the
Dirty White Boy comes in to make the save.
15. Bobby Blaze & Buddy Landel v. Tommy Rich & The Punisher (Butch Cassidy runs in afterward and beats the hell out of
Cornette until Sgt. Rock runs in and attacks Cassity. The Wolfman then comes in to take care of Sgt. Rock.)
16. Int – Buddy Landell, Wolfman & Butch Cassidy. If that’s not a real Motley Crew, I don’t know what is.
SMOKY MOUNTAIN TV 11/25 – 12/2

1. The Wolfman v. Ron Davis (In one of the biggest upsets in SMW history, the Wolfman scores his first clean pinfall!
several babyfaces come out to congratulate him.)
2. Int – Jim Cornette and his entire Militia
3. Flash Flanagan v. Headbanger Thrasher.
4. The Heavenly Bodies & Robert Gibson v. The Dirty White Boy, Tracy Smothers, & Brad Armstrong
The show ends promising that next week would contain highlights from Thanksgiving Thunder. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t happen, as the 11/26
show would be the final show put on by Smoky Mountain as financial problems would force the promotion to go out of

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 07 June, 2024.

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