USWA Memphis TV - 05/17 - 07/12 1997 DVD

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USWA Memphis TV - 05/17 - 07/12 1997 DVD


- Steven Haskins versus Mr. Wrestling
- Brian Christopher versus Big McNasty
- Truth Commission versus Paul Diamond and Steven Dunn
- Wrestling the way it used to be segment: Steel Cage: "Macho Man" Randy Savage versus Jerry "The King" Lawler
- Jerry Lawler versus Tracy Williams
- Dutch Mantell says Lance Russell and Stacy "The Kat" Carter suck
- Dutch Mantell versus Ripley


- Mark St. John and Stacy start. Dutch comes out and says they suck.
- Dutch Mantell versus Superstar Bill Dundee
- Flash Flanagan versus Trailer Park Trash
- King Reginald and Queenie interview
- Mr. Wrestling versus King Reginald
- Nick Eugene Dinsmore versus Mike Samples
- Wrestling classic: Jerry "The King" Lawler versus Dutch Mantell
- Jerry Lawler versus Tony Williams
- Mabel versus Scott Reigns


- Truth Commission versus Steve Dunn and Paul Diamond
- Brian Christopher in action
- Billy Joe Travis has a new manager who also manages the band Deep Purple
- Billy Joe Travis versus Nick Dinsmore AKA Eugene
- Mike Samples and Paul Diamond debate football versus soccer
- Truth Commission get into it with a fan over attempting to burn the American Flag.
- Jerry Lawler bashes ECW. Challenges Tommy Dreamer
- ECW music video
- Tommy Dreamer interview
- Bulldog Reigns versus Brian Christopher
- Vince McMahon sends a video down to WWE to blast Diesel and Razor Ramon. THis was before Mr. McMahon.... Sure was a heel promo.
- Disel versus Razor Ramon


- Jerry Lawler invades the ECW Arena.
- Bill Behrens interview
- Cincinatti Red versus Brian Christopher
- Tommy Dreamer tries to kill Jerry Lawler backstage
- Razor Ramon versus Tony Williams
- Flash Flanagan and Nick Dinsmore versus Mike Samples and Bulldog Reigns
- Jerry Lawler cuts a promo on ECW
- Tommy Dreamer destroys the setand the commissioner of USWA


- Recap of Dreamer invading USWA, Billy Joe Travis beating up Brian Christopher, etc.
- Wrestling the Way It Used to Be: Fabulous Jackie Fargo guests
- Flash Flanagan and Nick Dinsmore versus Big Bad and Blond
- Dutch Mantell and Tony Williams versus Buster & ???
- Truth Commission versus Nick Dinsmore and Flash Flanagan - Highlights
- Lance Russell asks if Paul E. Dangerously was telling the truth when he said that Jerry Lawler is Brian Christopher's father
- Tank versus Paul Diamond
- Jerry Lawler continues to dodge the question.


- Billy Joe Travis versus Razor Ramon
- Return of the Southern Heavyweight Title
- Luther Biggs and Billy Joe Travis interview
- King Mabel in action
- PJ Walker AKA Justin Credible versus Tony Williams
- Steven Dunn and Paul DIamond versus Bulldog and Mike Samples
- Jerry Lawler interview
- Doomsday versus Nick Dinsmore
- Razor Ramon versus Luther Biggs


PJ Walker AKA Justin Credible versus the Yellow Jacket
Tommy Dreamer and Sandman promo
PG 13 is back. They "shoot"
Highlights: Brian Christopher versus Billy Joe Travis. Attacked by Doomsday
The Spellbinder versus ???
Taz inteview
Chris Candido interview
Highlights: Razor Ramon versus Mabel
Mabel interview
Brian Christopher versus Doomsday
Jerry Lawler interview


Billy Joe Travis defends the US title against one of 5 men
Spellbinder, Brian Christopher, Steven Dunn, Paul Diamond, and Flash Flanagan are in the envelopes.
PG 13 says they're part of ECW. Well, ok then.
Dutch Mantell invades
Steven Dunn versus ???
Paul Diamond interview
Spellbinder interview
PG 13 interview
PJ Walker versus Flash Flanagan
Billy Joe Travis versus Spellbinder
ECW invasion

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 18 March, 2020.

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