XPW After The Fall - 2 Disc DVD

Sale: $6.79
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The Westside NGZ vs. Kid Kaos & Steve Rizzono
The Public Enemy vs. The Westside NGZ vs. Kid Kaos & Steve Rizzono
(falls count anywhere match)
The Public Enemy vs. The Westside NGZ vs. The Pitbulls
History of the XPW Title
Chris Candido vs. Damien Steele (XPW Title Match)
(falls count anywhere match)
The Westside NGZ vs. The Pitbulls
(steel cage match)
Sabu vs. Terry Funk
Kid Kaos vs. Tracy Smothers
(loser leaves town match)
Supreme vs. Axl Rotten
(steel cage, barbed wire, bed of nails, light bulbs, thumbtacks death match)
Sabu vs. Chris Candido
Axl Rotten vs. Abdullah the Butcher
Sabu & Homeless Jimmy vs. Messiah & Vic Grimes
Sabu vs. Messiah

Lizzy Borden vs. Major Gunns
Sandman vs. Konnan
(no DQ no countout match)
Juventud Guerrera vs. Chris Chetti
Psicosis vs. Chris Chetti vs. Sonny Siaki vs. Christian York
Jerry Lynn vs. Super Crazy
Juventud Guerrera vs. Julio Dinero
Vic Grimes vs. Little Guido vs. Altar Boy Luke
Damien 666 vs. Halloween
Damien 666 & Halloween vs. John Kronus & Kraq
Pogo the Clown vs. Simon Diamond
Psicosis vs. Super Crazy
Kaos vs. Chris Hamrick
(ladder match)
Shane Douglas vs. Justin Credible
Raven vs. Vic Grimes
Supreme vs. Ian Rotten
(no rope barbed wire death match)
Big Dick Dudley vs. Johnny Webb vs. Damien Steele
Big Dick Dudley vs. Damien Steele (XPW Title Match)

This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 19 July, 2020.

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