NBC Presents Crockett Cup 1987 Raw Footage DVD

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NBC did a expose on the Crockett Cup event which also featured some aired raw footage from a stagnant camera that was used as clips during the show. Released for the first time is the entire footage including interviews that never aired before. Rare gems to say the least.

The matches are shot by a single, pro-quality, stationary camera. Footage was filmed by NBC for "The George Michael Sports Machine" and is from the second day of the tournament in Baltimore, MD on April 11, 1987.

Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament '87 NBC Raw Footage

1. Interviews w/Ric Flair, Mike Rotundo, Jim Cornette, Magnum TA, some NWA exec, Road Warriors
2. Pez Whatley & Teijo Khan vs Road Warriors
3. Midnight Express vs Ron & Jimmy Garvin
4. Kevin Sullivan & Arn Anderson vs Bob & Brad Armstrong
5. Brad & Bart Batten vs Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger
6. Interview w/Barry Windham (Windham basically breaks kayfabe, talking = about his departure from the WWF, his partnership with Mike Rotundo, the fact that Rotundo is his brother-in-law, etc. Good stuff.)
7. Interview w/Dave Meltzer (yes, Meltzer!)
8. "The George Michael Sports Machine" (this would be the reason that NBC was at the tourney filming in the first place)
9. Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs Bob & Brad Armstrong (***1/2 - good stuff)
10. Midnight Express vs Road Warriors (SLIGHTLY clipped)
11. Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff ( JIP - I'm sorry, but it's just bad booking to have the reigning world tag champs eliminated in the quarterfinals)
12. Tully Blanchard & Lex Luger vs Giant Baba & Isao Takagi (semis - you might find yourself wondering "how the heck did Baba & Takagi get to the semis? Well, they had two byes and beat one jobber team - Royal & Brown - to get there. That's how. Crockett must've promised Baba a semis push to get him to come over from Japan or something.)
13. Midnight Express vs Dusty Rhodes & Nikita Koloff (semis - slightly clipped)
14. RIC FLAIR VS BARRY WINDHAM (GREAT match! 27+ minutes. Ric Flair matches are so much better when he's actually allowed to show

This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 19 April, 2023.

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