
Continental Championship Wrestling 1988 - Complete 7 Disc DVD


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1.2.88 PWTW Clip
Gordon Solie talks to Downtown Bruno about a clip of Lord Humongous vs. Danny Davis

1.9.88 PWTW Clip
Doug Furnas & Danny Davis promo
Gary Phelps vs. The Bullet

1.23.88 PWTW Clip
Contract Signing: Wendell Cooley & Dutch Mantell

1.30.88 PWTW Clip
Dutch Mantell reveals that due to the contract Wendell signed, he has to wrestle a bear before getting his title match with Dutch

Tim Reed vs. Frankie Lancaster
Walt Sullivan & The Executioner vs. The Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers)
Dave Spencer vs. Tom Prichard
Steve Adkinson vs. Dirty White Boy
Detroit Demolition vs. Doug Furnas

3.5.88 Incomplete
Dutch Mantell vs. Danny Davis PWTW Clip
Detroit Demolition vs. Brickhouse Brown

3.12.88 PWTW Clip

Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden talk to Gordon Solie about a clip of their match vs The Southern Boys

3.19.88 PWTW Clip
The Bikers vs. The Southern Boys

4.23.88 Incomplete
*This is the episode with the 'I'd like to talk to Tom' angle with Tom Prichard & Dirty White Boy
The Red Devil vs. Dutch Mantell
Detroit Demolition & The DI vs. The Southern Boys (Steve Armstrong & Tracy Smothers)

4.30.88 Incomplete
No matches on this show. Lots of promos including the announcement of the Road To Birmingham tournament that will crown the new CWF Champion

5.7.88 Incomplete
*Only one match in this clipped up version but lots of promos, clips & music videos
The Grappler (a fake one) vs. Eddie Gilbert

Alan Martin vs. Dutch Mantell
Continental Tag Team Titles: The Nightmares vs. The Southern Boys (C)

5.21.88 Incomplete
Rikki Nelson vs. Danny Davis

5.28.88 Incomplete
Detroit Demolition & Lord Humongous vs. Shane Douglas & Rikki Nelson
Private Mark Pyle vs. Danny Davis

6.4.88 Incomplete
Lee Peak vs. Mr. Olympia
Private Mark Pyle vs. Willie B. Hert
Tracy Smothers vs. Danny Davis

*This is probably two episodes stuck together but putting 1988 together has annoyed me past the point of caring enough to try & sort this out*
Rikki Nelson vs. Ken Wayne
The Baron & Lee Peak vs. DI Bob Carter & Detroit Demolition
The Blue Cyclone vs. Sika
Alan Martin & Private Pyle vs. The Southern Boys

6.18.88 Incomplete
Continental Tag Titles: Jeff Jarrett & Willie B. Hert vs. DI Bob Carter & Detroit Demolition (C)
Mr. Olympia vs. Eddie Gilbert
Lee Peak vs. Sika

6.25.88 Incomplete
Alan Martin vs. Lord Humongous
Private Pyle vs. Austin Idol
Mr. Olympia vs. Eddie Gilbert

7.9.88 Incomplete
The Intruder vs. Lord Humongous
Alan Martin vs. Danny Davis

Mike Starr vs. Tom Prichard
Turbo Ted vs. Willie B. Hert
DI Bob Carter & Detroit Demolition vs. Shane Douglas & Lord Humongous (C)
Lee Peak vs. Rick Hazzard
US Jr. Title: Ken Wayne vs. Danny Davis (C)

Lee Peak & Mark Starr vs. The Wild Samoans
Private Payle vs. Rick Hazzard
Bucky Seigler vs. Tom Prichard
Turbo Ted vs. Austin Idol
Jerry Stubbs vs. Nightmare Freddy

Turbo Ted vs. Detroit Demolition
Continental Tag Titles: The Wild Samoans vs. Shane Doulgas (C)
Lee Peak vs. The Dirty White Boy
Mike Starr & Rick Hazzard vs. The New Nightmares

Continental Tag Titles: The New Nightmares vs. Shane Douglas & Lord Humongous (C)
DI Bob Cartler, Private Pyle & Detroit Demolition vs. Bobo Brazil Jr, Rick Hazzard & Deuce Mason
World Jr. Title: Danny Davis vs. Nelson Royal (C)
The Renegade vs. Austin Idol

9.10.88 Incomplete
Shane Douglas, Tim Horner, & Lord Humongous vs. Tony Anthony & The New Nightmares

Deuce Mason & Bucky Seigler vs. Shane Douglas & Lord Humongous
US Jr. Title: Danny Davis vs. Ken Wayne (C)
Jerry Stubbs vs. Tom Prichard
Dutch Mantell vs. Pat Rose

Private Pyle vs. Davey Rich
Dirty White Boy vs. The Bullet
The Party Boys vs. Deuce Mason & Pat Rose
Grappler #2 vs. Tom Prichard
Tim Horner vs. Private Pyle
The Count vs. Willie B. Hert

Keith Steinborn vs. Detroit Demolition
Willie B. Hert vs. Ken Wayne
Grappler #2 vs. Lee Peak
Austin Idol vs. Private Pyle
Dirty White Boy & Jerry Stubbs vs. The Party Boys
Mr. Martin vs. Tim Horner

The Invader vs. Tom Prichard
The Count & Grappler #2 vs. The Party Boys
Chuck Allen vs. Willie B. Hert
The Equalizer vs. Masahiro Chono

This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 24 March, 2020.

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