
GWF Dallas TV Collection 1994 - 26 Disc DVD

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The tail end of the GWF on ESPN Classic has many under the impression that Global was no longer a good product. In reality, it was. After ESPN, the GWF did a local Dallas show that was pretty freaking rocking. It was somewhere between classic World Class and the forerunner of what became Extreme Championship Wrestling. It had that Dallas charm and was still in the Sportatorium but was unique to itself. A great product.

Our set does not include every episode. But, as far as we can see, we're the only ones to have anything that resembles a coherent set of these lost episodes. So, enjoy!

Episode 1: January 2nd, 1994:

- Featuring matches from Christmas night 1993!
- Doyle King runs down the card.
- Skandor Akbar bashes America and praises his Japanese warrior Kendo Nagasaki
- Col. Tom Armstrong (formerly Bubba Fangman) versus Kendo Nagasaki (Jackie Goldman on commentary)
- Action Jackson versus Chuck West
- After the match, a bloody, brutal assault by Rod Price happens to Jackson. Referee James Beard fines Rod Price on the spot. It doesn't stop the beat down. The two agree to a "Texas Death match" which, on the spot, they announce will not be televised. Jackson is bleeding everywhere.
- Toni Adams, "Iceman" King Parsons, and Brandon Baxter run down Chris Adams
- Chris Adams discusses the troubles "Iceman" King Parsons has put him through this year.
- "The Witchdoctor" plays a ridiculous clip with Doyle King playing the victim of racism by GWF promoter Gray Pearson.
- "Rugged" Rod Price versus "Maniac" Mike Davis
- Tag Team Titles - "Sky Liners" Chaz Taylor & Steven Dane (c) versus "The Rough Riders" John Hawk and Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar

Episode 2: January 9, 1994:

- Continuing matches from Christmas night 1993!
- Angel of Death versus Sweet Daddy Falcone w/ Jackie Goldman (Rod Price on commentary)
- Cowboy Wilbur and Frieda promo.
- Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar versus Cowboy Wilbur and his pig Frieda (Rod Price on commentary)
- Jeep Swenson refuses to beat on a fallen opponent for Akbar. He ends up going at it with Black Bart and Moadib (known better as Ahmed Johnson).
- Toni Adams, The Witchdoctor (in a wheelchair), and iceman King Parsons say they will do whatever it takes to keep the World Title tonight.
- Jeep Swenson explains why he stood up to Akbar.
- "Maniac" Mike Davis (dressed as Santa) versus "Beach Bully" Alex Porteau (John Hawk, as a heel, on commentary. Very JBL of him!)
- Chris Adams says tonight is the night.
- Legends Match - Lightning Kid versus Jerry Lynn (from the archives)
- World Heavyweight Title - "Iceman" King Parsons (c) w/ The Witchdoctor, Brandon Baxter, & Toni Adams versus "Gentleman" Chris Adams (John Hawk on commentary)

Episode 3: January 16, 1994:

- Doyle King runs down the card.
- It is announced that the promoter of the company is banned from ringside over the attack on The Witchdoctor a few weeks back.
- "Rugged" Rod Price versus "Courageous" Marc Valiant (Black Bart on commentary. Says Valiant is a Von Erich. He does kind of look like one)
- Skandor Akbar says Moadib will get revenge on Jeep Swenson.
- Dallas TV commercial with "Maniac" Mike Davis as a "puck head" goofing off with Doyle King.
- Moadib (Ahmed Johnson) w/ Skandor Akbar versus Ricky Long
- Frances Buxton says he is now "Fearless" Buxton.
- "American Heart-Throb" Chaz Taylor versus Francis "Cry Baby" Buxton
- Legends Match: Jeff Jarrett & Terry Gordy versus Starr and Bulba w/ Skandor Akbar (clipped)
- World Heavyweight Title - "Gentleman" Chris Adams (c) versus John Hawk w/ Skandor Akbar and Black Bart (The Witchdoctor on commentary)

Episode 4: January 23, 1994:

- Doyle runs down the card.
- "Maniac" Mike Davis versus John Hawk (Jackie Goldman on commentary)
- Black Bart and John Hawk beat down on Mike Davis and referee James Beard for an extremely long time before Davis fights back and mocks the "Rough Riders" getting out of dodge.
- The Witchdoctor, Brandon Baxter, and "Iceman" King Parsons talk about overcoming.
- "Iceman" King Parsons w/ The Witchdoctor and Brandon Baxter versus Brian Hennig
- A brawl between Chris Adams, Action Jackson, "Iceman" King Parsons, and Rod Price.
- "Rugged" Rod Price versus Raven Roberts
- Skandor Akbar cuts a promo on Valiant and Putski. He says Moadib and Black Bart will handle them.
- Legends Match - Southern Title - Jeff Jarrett versus Jerry "The King" Lawler
- Scott Putski and Marc Valiant respond.
- "Polish Power" Scott Valiant & Courageous" Marc Valiant versus Moadib and Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar

Episode 5: January 30, 1994:

- Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar versus "The American Heart-Throb" Chaz Taylor ("Cry Baby' Buxton and his mom on commentary)
- "Courageous" Marc Valiant versus Danny Davis
- Htline commercial.
- "Polish Power" Scott Putski versus Sweet Daddy Falcone w/ Jackie Goldman (Rod Price on commentary)
- Brandon Baxter and "Iceman" King Parsons cut a promo on Action Jackson.
- Jackson responds.
- Legends Match - Tribal Nation versus "Hollywood" John Tatum and "Rugged" Rod Price (Butch Reed on commentary)
- "Battle of the Black Birds" - Action Jackson versus "Iceman" King Parsons w/ The Witchdoctor and Brandon Baxter (Jackie Goldman on commentary)

Episode 6: February 6, 1994:

- Doyle King starts the show with the rundown.
- Highlights of Action Jackson going off on Iceman King Parsons for his anger over the amount of cheating that has been going on of late. He swears a lot.
- Contenders Match: "Gentleman" Chris Adams versus "Cry Baby" Buxton - Buxton must win to challenge for Adams' World Title (Jackie Goldman on commentary)
- Akbar says that Moadib is always there and sooner or later, he will take out Jeep.
- Jeep Swenson says he's got Bart tonight but will take out whoever Akbar throws at him.
- Jeep Swenson versus Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar
- Rod Price cuts a promo on ugly women sending letters to a "sensative guy" like him.
- "Rugged" Rod Price versus Jim Ward (The Witchdoctor on commentary)
- John Hawk and Black Bart promo. Says they have no competition.
- Marc Valiant and Scott Putski call the Rough Riders "Barnyard Warriors"
- Chris Adams promotes the GWF school.
- Legends Match: The Patriot versus Al Perez
- Tag Team Titles - "The Rough Riders" John Hawk and Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar versus "Polish Power" Scott Putski & Marc Valiant

Episode 7: February 13, 1994:

- Doyle King kicks off the show running down the card.
- The finish of the John Hawk and Black Bart versus Scott Putski and Marc Valiant match is aired.
- Recap of the Pearson versus the Witchdoctor feud and his suspension.
- Jeep Swenson says he wants Moadib.
- Akbar says no one tells him when and where. He'll decide when it is time.
- Jeep Swenson versus Frank Gilbert (Jackie Goldman on commentary)
- "Cry Baby" Buxton w/ his mom versus Chris Rox
- "Cry Baby" Buxton says Chaz cheated him and that is why Adams beat him.
- Chris Adams says blood, sweat, and tears has won him the gold.
- "Gentleman" Chris Adams (c) versus Boo Koo Diki Dow
- #1 Contenders Match: "Iceman" King Parsons w/ The Witchdoctor and Brandon Baxter versus "Rugged' Rod Price (The two wrestlers bring out beach chairs and lay out in the ring cutting promos on how great they are until James Beard offers to fine them. Very funny stuff.)
- Black Bart says he's taking care of the two kids tonight.
- "The Power Drivers" Scott Putski and Marc Valiant cut a promo but are jumped backstage by the "Rough Riders" John Hawk and Black Bart.
- Legends Match: Kerry Von Erich versus Al Perez

Episode 8: February 20, 1994:

- Jackie Goldman cuts an in ring promo calling the Maniac a mongoloid with no human temperment.
- Mike Davis does a promo with Doyle King backstage throwing things and giggling.
- "Maniac" Mike Davis versus Sweet Daddy Falcone w/ Jackie Goldman
- The Witchdoctor is crying backstage while Brandon Baxter consoles him. He calls Nelson Mandela an Uncle Tom. Oh boy.
- John Hawk w/ Skandor Akbar versus "American Heart Throb" Chaz Taylor (Iceman King Parsons on commentary)
- Action Jackson versus "Dapper" Danny Davis (John Hawk on commentary)
- After the above match, an attack on Jackson takes place. Joh Hawk's commentary is priceless.
- Marc Valiant talks about taking on Moadib.
- Skandor Akbar and Moadib talk about controlling the company with their stable.
- Legends Match - Kerry Von Erich versus The Punisher (The Undertaker)
- "Courageous" Marc Valiant versus Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar (John Hawk on commentary)

Episode 9: February 27, 1994:
- Highlights from last week's Moadib/Marc Valiant match. The Akbar fireball throw is shown. Pretty killer.
- Wilbur says he has the money to pay off Jackie Goldman's ruined suit. (Do what now?)
- "Dirty' Danny Davis versus Cowboy Wilbur with his pig Frieda
- "Rugged" Rod Price and "Crybaby" Buxton w/ his mother and Brandon Baxter versus "The Skyliners" Chaz Taylor and Steven Dane
- Iceman King Parsons versus Angel of Death (Rod Price on commentary. Doyle at one point takes a pot shot at Price cheating and Price says without him, there'd be nothing to talk about. Doyle actually agrees!)
- Legends Match: Lumberjack Match - Kerry Von Erich versus Matt Bourne (Percy Pringle and Craig Johnson on commentary)
- Scott Putski and Marc Valiant (Marc doesn't show due to the fireball) versus "The Rough Riders" John Hawk and Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar

Episode 10: March 6, 1994:

- Doyle kicks it off running down the card.
- Jeep Swenson versus John Hawk w/ Skandor Akbar and Black Bart ("Gentleman" Chris Adams on commentary)
- "Sensational" Steven Dane versus "Beach Bully" Alex Porteau w/ Brandon Baxter
- The above match does not take place due to Dane having a concussion. Referee James Beard says it is a forfeit unless a suitable opponent turns up. Look who takes his place!
- Light Heavyweight Title - "Hard Body" Calvin Knapp versus "Beach Bully" Alex Porteau (c) w/ Brandon Baxter
- Action Jackson versus Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar (John Hawk on commentary)
- Buxton screams and shouts about cutting Chaz's hair.
- Chaz says if he loses, he'll do what is asked. But, if he wins, Buxton will be bald.
- Hair VS Hair Match - "American Heart Throb" Chaz Taylor versus Francis "Cry Baby" Buxton w/ his mother
- Rod Price says he'll beat Adams like always.
- Adams says Price won't win. Ooh, big talk.
- Legends Match - "Modern Day Warrior" Kerry Von Erich versus Taras Bulba w/ Skandor Akbar
- Contenders Match - "Gentleman" Chris Adams (c) versus "Rugged" Rod Price (John Hawk on commentary)

Episode 11: March 27, 1994:

- Doyle kicks off the show running down the card.
- Highlights from last week's show (which we don't presently have):
- Highlights of a tag match between the "Rough Riders" John Hawk and Black Bart against Koko B. Ware and (?). Koko got counted out of the ring and refused to get in. (I don't get it. If you do, please let me know.)
- Highlights of Chaz defeating Dapper Dan.
- Highlights of the brawl that happened between Vito, Black Bart, Koko B. Ware, and Scott Putski.
- "Polish Power" Scott Putski versus Awesome Kong
- Michael Hayes says the Freebirds are coming. Oh man!
- Jackie Goldman says he's going to pluck Koko's bird.
- Doyle King interviews Koko B. Ware. He says he's nto worried about those guys.
- "Bird Man" Koko B. Ware w Frankie versus Vito Musilini w/ Skandor Akbar (Jeep Swenson on commentary)
- Sweet Daddy Falcone and Akbar say they'll take out Calvin Knapp's knee again.
- Knapp says his knee is stronger than ever.
- "Hard Body' Calvin Knapp versus Sweet Daddy Falcone
- Legends Match - Kerry Von Erich versus Jerry Lawler (Terry Garvin on commentary)
- "Polish Power' Scott Putski versus Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar
- Moadib and Jeep Swenson end up battling in a pull apart brawl. All the wrestlers come out to pull them apart. Mike Davis lays out on the top rope instead of getting involved. He is a Maniac, after all!

Episode 12:
April 17 (?), 1994
- Featuring matches from the April 1st, 1994 taping.
- Doyle King kicks off the show to start. He runs down the card.
- Highlights of last week's show.
- Hlighlights of John Hawk versus Mike Davis
- Jackie Goldman tries to destroy Chaz who is roughed up. Steven Dane makes the save with a chair.
- Highlights of Mark Valiant versus Black Bart
- Highlights of Skandor Akbar burns Jeep Swenson witha fireball. The Fabulous Freebirds make the save.
- "Polish Power" Scott Putski versus Dapper Dan (The Witchdoctor and Brandon Baxter on commentary)
- "Maniac" Mike Davis versus The Intrudor
- Rod Price cuts a promo on Chris Adams on being the champion.
- Chris Adams returns the favor saying he's a fighting champion.
- Legends Match: World Title: Jerry "The King" Lawler versus Eric Embry (c)
- World Title: "Gentleman" Chris Adams (c) versus "Rugged" Rod Price w/ Brandon Baxter (Jackie Goldman on commentary)
- Rod Price's "lady friend" gives Chris Adams divorce papers from Toni.
- "The Rough Riders" John Hawk and Black Bart w/ SKandor Akbar versus "The Fabulous Freebirds" Terry Gordy & Jimmy Garvin w/ Michael Hayes

Episode 13: May ?, 1994:

- Doyle King starte the show running down the card.
Hlgihglights from last week's show which we don't have yet.
- The Witchdoctor and his group attack Chris Adams
- Terry Gordy uses the spike for a win.
- A Westway Ford commercial taping turns into a war where the Kongs and Parsons attack Marc Valiant and his father. Chris Adams makes the save.
- "Courageous" Marc Valiant versus GZ Knight
- Tugboat Taylor versus Crusher Kong w/ Jackie Goldman (Black Bart on commentary)
- "American Heart Throb" Chaz Taylor versus Rico Suave w/ Jackie Goldman
- Chaz gets suspended for 10 days and has to pay $10,000 for cheating in the match which he didn't do. Steven Dane comes out, says they were supposed to have a tag title shot and now they don't get it because of this. They get into a huge brawl. Tug Taylor breaks it up.

- Tag Team Titles - "The Rough Riders" John Hawk and Black bat (c) w/ Skandor Akbar versus "The Fabulous Freebirds" Jimmy "Jam' Garvin and Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy w/ Michael Hayes

Episode 14: May 22 (NOT CERTAIN), 1994:

- Doyle King runs down the card.
- Highlights: Jackie Goldman finally takes a beating at the hands of a new tag team High Voltage. Yep, them.
- Scott Putsky and Marc Valiant go at it. Not sure why. JBL says it is because "there's too much testosterone for one old tin building". LOL!)
- Gray Pearson gets into a confrontation with Iceman King Parsons.
- "American Heart Throb" Chaz Taylor w/ Joe Bender versus Rico Suave w/ Jackie Goldman
- Tugboat Taylor versus "Dapper" Danny Davis
- Action Jackson versus "Rugged" Rod Price
- Black Bart and John Hawk say they are going to stomp out the Birds.
- The Freebirds respond.
- Legends Match: Dustin Rhodes and Jimmy Jack Funk versus Texas Ranger and Speedy Gonzalez
- Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy w/ Jimmy "Jam" Garvin and Michael "PS" Hayes versus Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar and Black Bart

Episode 15: May 29, 1994

- Doyle runs down the card.
- "American Heart Throb" Chaz Taylor versus GQ Knight
- "High Voltage" versus Steven Dane and Alex Porteau w/ Jackie Goldman
- Highlights of the Freebirds and Akbar's men go at it. Gordy puts the spike on Akbar!
- "Maniac" Mike Davis versus Rico Suave
- Legends Match - "Gentleman" Chris Adams versus "Stunning" Steve Austin w/ Skandor Akbar
- "Polish Power" Scott Putski versus Black Bart

Episode 16: June 12, 1994:

- Doyle King runs down the card.
- Bill Irwin is back and is assisting Doyle on commentary.
- Highlights: Tugboat and Chaz Taylor versus The Amazing Kongs
- Highlights: Alex Porteau beats Calvin Knapp with help from Jackie Goldman.
- Highlights: Moadib beats up Marc Valiant. Moadib, who we know as Ahmed Johnson, does a top rope moonsault. Crazy!
- Highlights: Black Bart wins a battle royal.
- Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin promote a good cause to raise money for tornado victims.
- Jeep Swenson versus The Black Assasin
- "Polish Power" Scott Putski versus "The Gmaour Boy" Nick Golden w/ Jackie Goldman
- The Awesome Avenger versus Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar
- "Maniac" Mike Davis versus Brandon Baxter - Davis to have one arm behind his back. (Sebastien on commentary. He says he's just passing through. Doyle says he shouldn't feel the need to hang around. LOL)
- Legends Match - Kerry Von Erich versus The Punisher (The Undertaker)
- Tag Team Titles - Loser of the Fall Leaves Town - "The Fabulous Freebirds" Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy and Jimmy "Jam" Garvin w/ Michael Hayes versus "The Rough Riders" Black Bart and John Hawk (c) w/ Skandor Akbar

Episode 17: June 19, 1994:

- Doyle King runs down the card.
- Highlights: Polish Hammer with the brass knuckles from last week.
- Highlights: Moadib's diving headbut.
- Highlights: Mike Davis spanks Brandon Baxter
- Hlghlights: Freebirds versus Rough Riders finish from last week.
- Highlights: Skandor Akbar tries to sign "Polish Power' Scott Putski. Ivan shows up and tells him not to deal with Akbar.
- "Courageous" Marc Valiant versus "Beach Bully" Alex Porteau
- "Krankin'" Craig from Dallas radio talks about wanting to wrestle one of Skandor Akbar's men.
- The Rock 'n' Roll Connection versus The Ring Lords w/ Skandor Akbar
- "Wild" Bill Irwin interviews Michael Hayes on who Akbar might have up his sleeve to face Hayes upon his return to the ring on July 1st. Bill says he knows who it is and will let him in on it and then blasts Hayes. "Wild" Bill is not retired!
- "Pretty Boy" Jimmy versus "Dapper" Danny Davis
- Mike Davis does an interview with Doyle King and Angela, the new ring announcer. Mike seems to like her... Like, a lot.
- "Maniac" Mike Davis versus "Iceman" King Parsons w/ Brandon Baxter and The Witchdoctor

Episode 18: July 10, 1994: (INCOMPLETE)

- Terry "Bam Bam' Gordy versus Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar
- Devestation Inc takes out Gordy.
- Rod Price says he will take out Adams as he's bored with him.
- Adams says tonight is his night.
- World Title - "Rugged" Rod Price (c) w/ Brandon Baxter versus "Gentleman" Chris Adams
- "Iceman" King Parsons and Action Jackson cut promos on their upcoming cage match. It appears on our review show listed as episode 22.

Episode 19: July 24, 1994:

- "Polish Power" Scott Putski versus "Dapper" Danny Davis w/ Jackie Goldman
- Doyle says during the match that Gray Pearson says he's considering getting out of wrestling and selling the GWF. Uh oh.
- "High Voltage" "AC" Bo Vegas and "DC" Devon Michaels versus "The Ring Lords" w/ Skandor Akbar
- Swerve on Akbar!
- "Fabulous Freebirds" Michael "PS" Hayes and Jimmy "Jam" Garvin versus "The Rough Riders" Black Bart and "Wild" Bill irwin (Match does not happen as Jimmy Garvin is not there.)
- Backstage, Doyle King interviews Michael Hayes. Hayes calls and finds out that Devestation Inc. caused Jimmy to miss his connecting flight.
- Skandor Akbar introduces the Big Slammer, dressed as Vader.
- Chance Taylor (Chaz's cousin) versus Big Slammer w/ Skandor Akbar
- Michael "PS" Hayes versus Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar, Moadib, Bill Irwin, and more.

Episode 20: July 31, 1994:

- Doyle King and Mark Nulty kick off the show.
- Highlights: High Voltage trick SKandor Akbar
- Big Slammer defeats Big Slammer
- Devestation Inc tries to take out Michael Hayes and it ends up with Michael Hayes dropping Moadib with a left hand.
- "Iceman" King Parsons versus Rick Garren
- High Voltage speaks with Mark Nulty.
- Terry Gordy talks about getting carried out of Dallas.
- "Pretty Boy" Jimmy versus Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar
- Legends Match: Barbed Wire - Bruiser Brody versus Terry "Bam Bam' Gordy
- Action Jackson versus Big Slammer (big guy dressed like Vader, they admit this on the show)
- Michael "PS" Hayes versus "Wild" Bill irwin

Episode 21: August 28, 1994:

- Doyle King kicks off the show with GWF suits talking about respect for Kuwait.
- Akbar calls Kuwait full of mongrels and says Iraq is the mother country.
- Doyle runs down the card back in the arena.
- Highlights: Iceman wins the title over Adams but a Dusty finish overturns it.
- Highlights: The Super Studs defeat the new Black Birds.
- Doyle King interviews Rick Garren.
- "Iceman" King Parsons w/ The Witchdoctor versus Rick Garren
- Gray Pearson and King Parsons get into a fight. They agree to a match, if Parsons wins, he becomes the promoter for a week. If he loses, Parsons must be his personal maid.
- Akbar talks about hating Kuwait and calls them pessants.
- Michael Hayes says he'll make Akbar salute the Kuwait flag but the only flag that means anything is the American flag. A-Men, Michael!
- Al Jackson versus "Polish Power" Scott Putski
- Legends Match - Kerry Von Erich and Chris Adams versus The Punisher (The Undertaker) and Bulba
- Flag Match - "The Fabulous Freebirds" Michael "PS" Hayes, Jimmy "Jam" Garvin, and Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy versus Black Bart, "Wild" Bill Irwin, and Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar
- If Akbar's crew wins, the GWF removes the Kuwait flag from the building. If the Freebirds win, Akbar must salute the Kuwait flag. We are still in Dallas, right?

Episode 22: September 4, 1994: Sizzling Summer Slamming Review:

- "Sizzling Summer Slammin' Review" featuring highlights from the year of the Global Wrestling Federation from 1994.
- Skandor Akbar throws a fireball at Marc Valiant.
- Skandor Akbar burns Jeep Swenson!
- The return of the Fabulous Freebirds.
- Gray Pearson, The Witchdoctor, and "Iceman" King Parsons review. Lots of great clips.
- Highlights of the title feud between Rod Price and Chris Adams.
- Steel Cage - "Iceman" King Parsons versus Action Jackson
- The arrival of Al Jackson.
- More great Global highlights all hosted by Doyle King in the control room of the GWF.

Episode 23: August 14, 1994:

- Doyle King runs down the card.
- Highlights: Ebony Prince and "Iceman" King Parsons defeat Action and Al Jackson
- Highlights: Chris Adams versus "Rugged" Rod Price
- Bernard Van Dam versus "Dapper" Danny Davis
- "Courageous" Marc Valiant versus "Glamour Boy" Nick Golden w/ Brandon Baxter
- "Iceman" King Parsons in the ring says it wasn't he who beat up Pearson while under the mask. Says it was his twin brother. A myriad of masked men attack the ring and lay out Iceman. It is clearly the "good guys".
- The Witchdoctor is fuming over Iceman's attack. He says it was "that new honkey". I lovee the blatant racism.
- Skandor Akbar and Moadib will say they will take out Freebirds. He's bringing back Devastation Inc!
- Michael Hayes responds. Why do the Freebirds say "Mohabdeeb:> Just saying.
- No Disqualification - Jimmy "Jam" Garvin versus Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar
- Chico Cabello versus GQ Knight
- Michael "PS" Hayes versus Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar

Episode 24: August 21, 1994:

- Doyle King runs down the card.
- Highlights of Black Bart beating up on Jimmy Garvin
- Highlights of the finish of a Michael Hayes versus Moadib match.
- The Witchdoctor discusses what it will be like when Iceman King Parsons is in charge of the GWF.
- GWF Heavyweight Title: "Gentleman" Chris Adams versus Alex Porteau
- (Porteau does not show, Iceman King Parsons replaces him)
- GWF World Title: "Gentleman" Chris Adams versus "Iceman" King Parsons w/ Brandon Baxter and The Witchdoctor (Dusty rinish! Dusty finish!)
- Akbar throws a fit that the Kuwaiti flag is hanging in the Sportatorium. They have a series of flags to represent "Global". A match is set, if Akbar's Rough Riders win, their flag comes down. If the Freebirds win, Akbar msut salute the flag.
- "Polish Power" Scott Putski versus Rico Suave
- Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar versus Chico Cabello
- Doyle King with GWF brass says the organizaton has immense respect for Kuwait.
- Akbar says he wants to tear down the flag of the "supid mongrels".
- "Black Birds" Action and Al Jackson versus "The Super Studs" "Rugged" Rod Price and "Glamour Boy" Nick Golden

Episode 25: September 11, 1994:

- The show opens with Gray Pearson arguing with The Witchdoctor and his lady friend wearing Chris Adams' jacket.
- Non Title - "Polish Prince" Scott Putski w/ The Witchdoctor versus Action Jackson
- Chris Adams comes out for his jacket.
- Alex Porteau cuts a promo on Chico, his opponent.
- "Beach Bully" Alex Porteau versus Chico Cabello (The Witchdoctor on commentary)
- Chris Adams promotes a free show at a car lot on September 24th. The promotion folded on September 21.
- Skandor Akbar and Black Bart cut a promo on the Freebirds.
- Michael Hayes talks about the Texas Death Match.
- Texas Death Match - Michael "PS" Hayes versus Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar and John Hawk
- GWF Update segment in ring with Jimmy "Jam" Garvin versus Chris Adams discussing their upcoming title match.
- Gray Pearson talks about taking on Iceman King Parsons.
- King Parsons rants and raves about his match.
- Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy talks about his match with Moadib.
- Akbar says Moadib will take Gordy out again, like last time.
- Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy versus Moadib w/ Skandor Akbar

Episode 26:

September 25, 1994: The FINAL Episode

- Stand by for the toughest, meanest raslin' you'll ever see!
- Doyle King kicks off the show runnong down the card.
- The "Ice Maid" segment with King Parsons. He tries to get out of doing anything by having the Witchdoctor call down Billy, a man in a pink top, to be the maid. Quite disturbing. It is said that if Iceman King Parsons doesn't live up to his end of the deal (he lost the match apparently, not sure we ever saw it) then the promoter would hold up all the Witchdoctor's men's wrestling cards and they'd never work there again.
- Moadib (Ahmed Johnson) versus Black Bart w/ Skandor Akbar (Moadib is working as a face)
- Backstage, the promoter is arguing with the Witchdoctor. Iceman King Parsons finally comes out in the Icemaid outfit!
- Al Jackson speaks to Doyle backstage
- Brandon Baxter and Jim Lord admire themselves in the mirror.
- Al Jackson versus Jim Lord w/ Brandon Baxter
- Promoter refuses to let Lord work unless Iceman agrees to fill his end of the deal. A deal is struck.
- Ice Maid is doing his job.
- Chaz Taylor, with blond blond hair, tells Doyle that Putski needs mental help.
- Scott Putski says it is a joke that he has to fight a lighweight.
- "American Heart Throb" Chaz Taylor versus "Polish Prince" Scott Putski
- The Witchdoctor is saying the time has come to let Iceman loose. It is. THey claim slavery.
- Marc Valliant speaks to Doyle King.
- Jimmy Garvin and Terry Gordy talk about the goofy people in Texas. Apparently they've gone heel.
- Jimmy Garvin, with full blown "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah" intro, says he is going to get the strap from Chris Adams on next week's show.
- Chris Adams says he's always known what the Freebirds were about.
- "Courageous" Marc Valliant versus Terry "Bam Bam" Gordy w/ Jimmy Garvin
- End of show with Moadib going after the Freebirds and more.
- They make mention of next week's show. Next week's show never airs. There were no promotions for the following week's GWF TV taping. The company folded on September 21. This episode appears to have aired around that time.

This product was added to our catalog on Monday 16 March, 2020.

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