USWA Memphis TV - 07/19 - 09/06 1997 DVD


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USWA Memphis TV - 07/19 - 09/06 1997 DVD


- Doomsday versus SPellbinder - Highlights
- Dutch Mantell teases if Brian Christopher is Jerry Lawler's son
- Billy Joe Travis versus Tony Williams
- Brian Christopher interview
- PG 13 versus Flash Flanagan and Paul Diamond
- Scorpion, Shadow, and Tony Carr versus Doomsday
- Taz interview
- Doug Gilbert is back


- PG 13 interview
- James Beard is brought in as the authority figure to bring the USWA back into order
- Paul Diamond versus Doomsday
- Jerry Lawler reflects on his feud with Andy Kaufman
- PG 13 replaces Wolfie with PJ Walker AKA Justin Credible due to injury
- Doug Gilbert says Eddie considered USWA his promotion and he wants it to be Gilbert country


- Flash Flanagan and Paul Diamond recap. Includes PJ Walker.
- JC Ice is more seriously injured - Rugged Rod Price versus Chris Michaels
- Razor Ramon interview. Drops the Razor gimmick. - Rick Titan versus Tiger Jackson - Steven Dunn and Paul Diamond argue. Flash Flanagan and James Beard come out. - Spellbinder and Brian Christopher interview
- Jerry Lawler rescues a puppy.. An actual puppy.
- Rod Price interupts Lawler and does jumping jax in the ring.
- Dutch Mantell argues with Jerry "The King" Lawler
- Brian Christopher versus PJ Walker as PG187, Justin Credible
- Mike Samples wants a match with Rugged Rod Price
- Mike Samples versus Rod Price
- Doomsday interview
- Flash Flanagan and Steven Dunn versus Paul Diamond and Mr. X

- Rex King is Mr. X, former tag partner of Dunn in Well Dunn.


- Dutch Mantell is the new Unified Champion
- Steven Dunn and Flash Flanagan win the Tag Team Titles over PG 13
- Rod Price is a mad man!
- Brian Christopher versus Big McNasty
- Justin Hawk Bradshaw versus ???

- Spellbinder and ??? versus Rex King and Paul Diamond


Dutch Mantell introduces Rod Price, Doomsday, and Justin Hawk Bradshaw in as Team Icon.
Lance Russell undergoes heart surgery
Doug Gilbert versus Doonsday
Steve Dunn versus Rex King - Handcuff Match
The Spellbinder in action
Jerry Lawler interview
Rick Titan interview
Rod Price versus Lance Jade

Brian Christopher and Billy Joe Travis battle backstage.


Doug Gilbert in action
Mike Samples versus DOomsday
Billy Travis in a police car outside?
Jerry Lawler announces time change
Dutch Mantell and Jerry Lawler battle
Brian Christopher argues with James Beard
Steven Dunn and Flash Flanagan versus PG 13

Bill Behrens hosts Doomsday versus Jerry "The King" Lawler Dutch Mantell creates Extreme Dutch Wrestling, Dutch World Order, and the Disciples of Dutch. Tommy Dreamer advertised Rick Titan and the Spellbinder in action Stacy "The Kat" Carter is there "Wildfire" Tommy Rich is back! Tommy Rich versus Mike Samples James Beard and Billy Joe Travis argue backstage Bone Cruser versus Colorado Kid Brian Christopher in action Brian Christopher cuts an enraged promo Jerry Lawler interview Tommy Deramer, Dutch Mantell, and Jerry Lawler have a savage brawl Beulah is there too! "California Stud" Rod Price versus Flash Flanagan "Superstar" Bill Dundee is made special referee and cuts a promo poolside with Stacy "The Kat" Carter. GOod excuse to get the Kat in a bikini. Tommy Dreamer promo Jerry "The King" Lawler promo Steven Dunn versus Rex King Tommy Dreamer attacks the ring. Dutch Mantell and "Team ICON" attack the ring. 09/06/97: Intro set to "After Midnight", new time slot. Michael St. John is back as host PG 13 win the Tag Team Titles in a 3 Way Doomsday versus Steven Dunn Downtown Bruno attacks Tony Friedman... Okie dokie. PG 13 versus Lance Jade and ??? Brian Christopher versus Hard Body Paul Diamond busts open Rex King with a chair Jerry Lawler versus ??? James Beard interview. Billy Travis is gone from USWA

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